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weapons haning in the air


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I haven't noticed anything unusual with kills or death animations. Then again, I use powerful enchanted weapons(sigil stone and multi enchantment mods) so almost any enemy I kill in one hit, especially with an arrow, tends to get knocked quite far like they were hit by a bus.


For the "flying through the air on death" effect, its most easy to see when using the Kill console command. Which should just drop an NPC to the ground, but frequently I have them get flung backwards.

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That's the symptom I'm talking about. Could be I only started noticing it after my old guy got well leveled up. I mostly see it after an arrow kill now that you mention that, and he is rather good with a bow (but seldom uses anything other than possibly poisoned vanilla arrows ... even the enchanted arrows are vanilla Oblivion plus Thieves Den). My new guy isn't much good with the bow yet ... and I can't say I've noticed the flying on death with him (I really haven't paid much attention to looking out for it in a long time ... just one of those things I've accepted and moved on).


On a side note (a 'Is your's bigger than mine' kinda' thing) my furthest launch on death was from the top of the hill at the switchback corner SE of Sercen. The marauder landed at the Sercen entrance after flying over everything in between. At first I thought it might be a 'flying back to editor location' thing, but after checking in the CS I saw that wasn't it.


OK ... let the record attempts begin!


- Edit - Nephenee's post jogs the memory once again ... I have seen it after console kills (meaning that strength or ability to use weapons isn't to blame).

Edited by Striker879
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I use conduit magic and strong bow attacks, but quite often I will find they are very violently blown back (especially with a fire spell) but I also use supreme magicka, which has extra knockback on a small percent chance on fire spells, so it is hard to tell when it is the extra knockback from SM.


But unusually large knockback is common for me, even without any extra effects. I would not be surprised if they were linked, as I often notice them both at the same time.


I would be interested if there was ever a fix, for the sake of being interested in how big of a difference it would make (I think I have not played without a custom skeleton in at least 5 playthroughs.)

Edited by Xenavire
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