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Sick and Tired of Being Harassed by the Guards


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Dear Fellow Skyrim Players:


This is Shezza. Greetings from Canada!


Am I the only one who gets hassled by the city guards, aka the Idiot Squad, for killing bandits, Thalmor and the like? I was just told by a gaming buddy in Arkansas that it's a bug in the game.



Question: Is there a workaround and/or a way of squashing said bug?


I'm getting a little sick and tired by being stopped by the Idiot Squad (read: city guards) arresting me for what I'm supposed to do!



Thank you kindly for your time! I remain,



Sincerely yours always,



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Hmm...I'm assuming you paid your bounties? Guards can get that way if you have an outstanding bounty in the Hold. I'm not sure about the bug, though, noone ever worried about me killing bandits and the like.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Kommisar:


This is Shezza. Greetings from Canada!!


I am about to give up playing Skyrim because of those idiot guards. Just now, I was halted by two of the guards just as I was about to cross the drawbridge to help a boy's spirit find his mother. The next day, I cleared out Camp Steadwatch, and they're still harrassing me. Is it possible to have a nice quiet playthrough WITHOUT the guards bothering me every time I turn around. I'm thinking of buying Proudspire Manor in Solitude.


What do you suggest? I said have I paid all my bounties in Whiterun? Where and when do I do that?


I pray to the Nine to give me a nice quiet playthrough and just being a good gods fearing Khajiit in Skyrim!!




Thank you kindly for your time. I remain,





Sincerely yours always,




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