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Strange blue lines on my face


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I'm exhausted. I've tried to figure out why there are some blue lines running across my face every time my character moves. Here's a video of the issue:




1: It's not the video card. I tried it on 2 different ones. They are not overheating, nor is the rest of the system.

2: If I revert to an earlier save, the lines disappear, but will eventually reappear again after visiting Skuldafn.

3: I've tried it with and without mods, therefore, its not the mods.

4: Decreasing resolution, removing shadows and such, lowering detail, and what I thought it was at first, Radial Blur, has no affect.



It doesn't do anything to the game play. I can continue playing. It's just annoying. It's VERY noticeable at night and dark places.


Anyone can even guess at what this anomaly is?


Youtube video link is "youtu.be/Z0NgZnf1mEc" without quotes in case you can't see it in here


Thanks!!! '.'

Edited by tastycorpse
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  On 5/21/2012 at 8:19 PM, Georgiegril said:

Your video link is not active and the link does not work. Can you try again?


hi, just tried it on 3 diff browsers to go to the link and it works, including ones I am not logged into. You may need to put http:// infront of the link in some browsers? I have no idea why it's not loading in here, though.

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