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custom race skin texture

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K so, I have been doing some work, installed oblivion got a custom race up, and everything is fine except for the fact that I cannot figure out how to change the skin when using an armor or something because it changes the skin. My race is white but it changes back to a khajiit, normal orange whenever I equip items that show any skin. Any help would be appreciated.
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K so, I have been doing some work, installed oblivion got a custom race up, and everything is fine except for the fact that I cannot figure out how to change the skin when using an armor or something because it changes the skin. My race is white but it changes back to a khajiit, normal orange whenever I equip items that show any skin. Any help would be appreciated.


You are going to need to tell us precisely what race you are using, what body type, and what stock replacer you are using.

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My race is a khajiit, I installed Slof's Snow leopard, just a basic custom race, and I don't think I have a stock replacer, i'm not sure what that is.


and the body type is Slender I think o.o

Edited by Doomedone11
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The way that armor and clothes work in the game is they 'become' the body part they cover. For example if you put a vanilla chainmail cuirass (which shows a fair amount of skin on females) on your custom race Khajiit what you'll see is the custom race textures on the head (providing your aren't wearing a helmet) but vanilla Khajiit textures on the shoulders and arms. Take off the chainmail cuirass and your naked custom race Khajiit will be back to all custom textures.


What 'stock replacer' mods do is fix the exposed skin issue by replacing the textures that the mesh is pointing to with ones compatible with the specific race/body they are intended for. Bottom line is if you want everything to look right together you need to get all the compatible pieces together (if they are even available for your Snow Leopards).

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