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For a while now I've been teaching myself the CS and most recently, trying my hand at some scripting. I'm developing a particular mod feature where market stands and vendors set up for just one day out of the week as a kind of "market day". I can do everything else, but it seems to me that each vendor and stand would need to have a single script removing/adding them from the cell/game world. I have tried and tried and can't get it to work. Would anyone be willing to write the required script for me and post it in a reply here in the forums? Unless I'm mistaken, I'm thinking it shouldn't require a very lengthy script and the same one could/should be able to be used for every npc and object involved. I want the market to set up only on Saturdays between 7am and 6pm, if that info helps. A very BIG THANK YOU in advance. P.S. I only need this for my own use and have no intention of posting this mod feature on Nexus. Even if I were considering such a thing, proper credit would certainly be given. Again, thank you.

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Check the script on vanilla lamp posts. It turns the light on and off at a certain times of the day. Add the GetDayOfWeek function to restrict it to Saturdays.


To avoid adding the script to all objects, choose one as the parent and make it the parent of all others using the Enable Parent Tab. This way you only need to add the script to the parent and all the others will Enable/Disable with it..

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