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skyrim kill moves only in 1sr person


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its been a while now and ive not done any killing move in third person i dont know why (well most likely because of a mod) but the point is that if im in first person point of view ill see kill moves animations in first person (like it should be) but when i switch to third person point of view the kill move animations all still come in first person its not that i dont like first person kill moves but i also like to see the two points of views i want to be able o do kill moves in first and third person and one other thing is that sometimes the kill moves will glitch out and just watch my arm in from of my face with out any motion but hear the effect sounds heres the list of all mods im using

auto unequip arrows

bucklers and shields

craftable hoods

dovahkiin relax

dwarven mechanism

masters of death sicarius armor

MMR by dud (i cant remember what mmr stands for sorry)

moonpaths to elsweyr

nightingale hood maskless

northborn fur hoods

realistic lighting

kill move +

deadly combat

Ezios armor

Extended followers

jaysus swords


shadow striping fix

Ezio dark grey armor (revelations)

humanized elves

lanterns of skyrim

wieldable lanterns

skyrim warzones

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  • 1 month later...
yup tried that i resticted first person kill moves and only 3rd person but no kill move appeard whatsoever and i set the killmove chance in 100% but still nothing i think i erased the part of the data of the 3rd person kill moves by accident or with another mod because even without all mods i get the same result so i need to know the files of the kill moves because i dont know what to do anymore
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  • 1 month later...
hey i think i got it i installed realistic first person mod and uninstalled it a bit after and i discovered that the kill moves that appear to be glitched are actually the camera thats inside the body of my player that makes it not being able to see, do yout think the mod might have caused that problem? and has anybody else expirience this problem?
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