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video setting adjust themselves?

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Can a mod change video settings? or pehaps limit them. Whenever i set my view distances(item, object, npc, tree etc) or shadows, something automatically reduces them as soon as I resume the game. There was no problem before I used this current mod set and the mods themselves all work fine. Does Oblivion itself reduce GFX if it thinks it needs to? I have a few texture/mesh replacements active as well as the below list such as Qarl's Texture Pack 3 - Redimized and the Improved Armory Collection to name a couple.


Any Ideas??


Mod List :-> pastebin(dot)com/TiQ1mbPv

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Streamline does this while specific modules of it are active. That's its function. Do you happen to use Streamline (SL) by chance?


edit: After figuring out what to do with the string you posted so I could view your mod list, yes, you do. Either configure Streamline to not do that anymore or turn off the according modules in its settings. It can't smooth your game anymore, if it isn't allowed to do so though.

Edited by DrakeTheDragon
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