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Letting time Pass by in Geck Script


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So one last thing in my script I can't figure out. Ingame I have a Broom, which is parent to Rubbish laying around. When I select the broom, a menu does pop up which says, that I can clean the mess. The Screen Fades out to black, fading in again and leaves you with a clean and nice room. But IRL cleaning such a Mess would take about 2 hours. I want that Ingame after you select to clean the room, 2 Hours Pass by. Any hints what I could do ? Here is my scirpt, just in case :



scn 0Clenaer



int iButton


Begin OnActivate


ShowMessage 00Cleen





Begin GameMode


set iButton to GetButtonPressed


if iButton == -1 ; No button has been pressed yet


elseif iButton == 0 ; Option 0


imod FadeToBlackISFX

RewardXP 75

SetObjectiveCompleted 01lonequest 12 1


elseif iButton == 1 ; Option 1






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