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Mod that raises laser weapon damage


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Not exactly what you requested, but Lasers Have No Recoil (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/9417) would increase your damage in that they would no longer be jumping around so you can get more hits in; also has plug-ins for Less Missile Launcher recoil, and gyro-stabilized miniguns - off topic but I think its cool lol. It may not seem like it on paper, but when you use it in game lasers are quite different. And there is also Institute Electrolasers Redux (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/31337) it makes it so that institute lasers also do EMP damage, and regular lasers also do incendiary damage (vs organics only). Again not what you requested, but with both those mods lasers are way more useful


Hope that helps in some small way at least.

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