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New gamer laptop, only 4160mb of memory available detected


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I just got a new MSI Gamer laptop with a NVIDIA GTX 1060 6GB and 8GB ram.

I have windows 10, 1709.

The Boris Vorontsov tool VRamSizeDX9 detect only 4160 mb of available memory.

It is normal considering my specs, or should it be more?

I have a Intel chipset so maybe the tool is only detecting it, and not the nvidia...

Thank you!

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I was wrong, in fact the chipset is not a 4gb... and I think indeed that the boris tool detects only the chipset.


@M48A5 : the VramSizeTest tool is supposed to give the summ of video and some shared Ram so it should be more than the amount of card memory. But with the mistake I made on the chipset, it make sense to have 4160 if it is, indeed, the chipset that is detected...

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