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Face transfer or facegen ripper


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hello :biggrin: ok so i wanted to transfer my character's face to an NPC but there doesn't seem to be a facegen ripper made yet for skyrim, because back in Fallout when i wanted to transfer my Characters face to an NPC i just use a facegen ripper tool then use FNVedit to paste the facegen to the desired NPC but in Skyrim i haven't found a facegen ripper tool yet, so anybody got ideas?



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You can use the SPF command in the console in-game. Simply type "SPF Name" where Name is whatever you want the name to be and the game will create Name.npc in the Skyrim folder which you can import into the Creation kit onto an NPC.
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awesome! thank you very much

1+ kudos for you for helping me :biggrin:


EDIT: so i opened CreationKit, loaded my ESP so now, how do i load the .npc file?

Edited by ghostrecon123
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In the Creation Kit's Object Window, expand Actors, click on Actors. That should list all actors in the object window. Right-click on any of them, click New. Then, in the Traits tab, select the race of the NPC. After that, use the arrows at the top right to locate the Character Gen Parts tab. In that tab, at the top right, there is a button for Import. Click that and locate your .npc file. You can then check one of the preview options at the bottom to make sure the NPC imported correctly. After that, you can go through the rest of the tabs and set up the NPC as desired. Most of the rest of the tabs are fairly self-explanatory, and those that aren't, I don't have enough experience with to explain effectively, but there are plenty of guides and videos out there that can probably help you to set up the NPC in whatever way you desire, such as a follower, etc.


Good luck with your modding!

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awesome! thank you very much

1+ kudos for you for helping me :biggrin:


EDIT: so i opened CreationKit, loaded my ESP so now, how do i load the .npc file?


spf files are a good way to fine tune your characters too, can get it how you want it and then save it to a preset.

Edited by uk33
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  • 2 months later...
Having used the SPF function, for some reason the creation kit doesn't work if I try to import the face onto a new character within an existing mod of my creation, but will let me do it I start a new mod....any ideas anyone?
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