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the lusty argonian maid...


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Where may i obtain this book?


In the rooms of lonely men. I'm not joking. Look for single dudes' houses and their rooms in inns. Sooner or later you'll find it.


There's also a list of locations on a wiki, if you prefer not to have to hunt for it.

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Just west of the Abandoned Prison, which is due west of the hot springs area and southwest of Mixwater Mill is a partially destroyed shack where Lucky Lorenz used to live. He doesn't live there any more, seeing that he got crushed by a tree that fell through his roof. So much for "luck". Right next to his body you'll find a copy of the book, although it can be devilishly difficult to get to. Try getting on top of the shack. You can then drop down into it and grab his copy. He won't be needing it any more.


And, yes. I read every book I find. Several people completed/expanded the story behind this one and released "The Lusty Argonian Maid" in various mods for Oblivion. I don't think any have been imported into Skyrim, yet. Sounds like something someone ought to do.

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