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Armor Overhaul


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Heavy armor is has no down sides once you get the Conditioning perk. I also don't quite understand what the armor rating actually does.


This is all just thoughts on improvements



Armor Effects


Armor makes you physically jog and sprint slower. (No it does not already do this)

No Armor 1x

Light Armor .8x

Heavy Armor .6x


Speed is relative to base speed of race.


Armor Perks (names are just suggestions)


Light Armor (requires three armor pieces to be worn not including shield)


Mobility 1: movement speed is increased to .9x

Mobility 2: movement speed is increased to 1x


Deft Movement 2: 20% chance of avoiding all damage from a melee attack

Deft Movement 3: 30% chance of avoiding all damage from a melee attack


Acrobatic Steps 1: 10% chance of avoiding a ranged attack

Acrobatic Steps 2: 20% chance of avoiding a ranged attack

Acrobatic Steps 3: 30% chance of avoiding a ranged attack

Acrobatic Steps 4: 40% chance of avoiding a ranged attack


Heavy armor (requires three armor pieces to be worn not including shield)


Deflect Arrows 1: 10% chance of deflecting an arrow (Deflect not block the arrow will bounce off you)

Deflect Arrows 2: 20% chance of deflecting an arrow

Deflect Arrows 3: 30% chance of deflecting an arrow

Deflect Arrows 4: 40% chance of deflecting an arrow


Endurance 1: 10% chance of halving melee damage

Endurance 2: 20% chance of halving melee damage

Endurance 3: 30% chance of halving melee damage

Endurance 4: 40% chance of halving melee damage

Endurance 5: 50% chance of halving melee damage


Sealed: 25% chance to avoid fire, frost and spark damage

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