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Lets Talk - Skyrim Modding Presentation


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I know this forum is usually used to talk about the mods themselves, but a big part of releasing a mod is getting the mod download page to look nice.


What are some dos and don'ts that you have picked up on while looking at mods, what kind of things do you like to see when you look at a mod page?


For me, I pretty much don't bother with a mod unless it tells me what it does, bullet points are the best I think. If your mod description says "Adds new weapons to the game" and then has pictures of beautiful weapons, I probably won't download, I want to know if they are craftable, if they are in leveled lists, if they are powerful, things like that. Giving enough info for me to know what I'm getting into is great. Secondly, formatting, if you have an amazing mod but I can't decipher the description because it is a single block of text with brackets around things and term's I don't recognize because you are using the names of your items from the CK to describe things to me (I'm a little surprised I even see mods like this) then I won't understand what I am getting well enough to want your mod.


Dos for me is pictures and titles. My favorite is when the author has pictures at the bottom of the mod page that are links to his other mods, it lets me see everything he has done and gets him more traffic.


This also comes with a question: Does the nexus use standard forum tags for their mod description page? I have been thinking about all these things because I just uploaded my first few mods and am trying to get them to look nice.

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Agreed. If you've slaved away at your creation, then you owe it to yourself to give it a fair chance. This means you need to communicate what it does as effectively as possible to your audience.

I often find myself looking at a mod with a meaningless acronym for a title, and when I go to the description page, I have to scroll through announcements, updates and install notes before finally finding a description of what the mod actually does.

If you want to grab a player's interest, then you need to communicate this immediately- if not in the title, then in the first paragraph of the description page. Otherwise, you're going to lose a large potential audience.

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The most important things should come first so the user knows immediately what the mod is about and can choose to continue reading if he wants. In order:


  • What does the mod do?
  • Why should I care?
  • How do I use it?
  • Is it compatible?
  • A complete feature list
  • Change log

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