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Is the ENB Website down?


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Haven't been able to access the enb site all afternoon, so either it's just down, been hijacked or he hasn't paid the bill. Unless, of course, Boris has finally given up.

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At the moment all we've heard is they are having an issue with the bank.

But in event of that, do you think we'd be able to donate money? If needed to keep the site up, I mean there are over 50,000 people using the site i'm sure It won't take long.



P.s. I'm curios and google is give me 20 different unrelated answers as usual. How much does it cost to run a site?

Edited by deadpool0600
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At the moment all we've heard is they are having an issue with the bank.


Where did you hear this? Just want to know where i can get the latest news on ole Boris.


First time, I ever use a ENB and all I find are dodgy malware sites. Confused me for a while.


I'm surprised we can only get it on one website, I take it that he has a copy write or something on his base ENB files? What if he has like a heart attack, would ENBs be gone forever?

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At the moment all we've heard is they are having an issue with the bank.


Where did you hear this? Just want to know where i can get the latest news on ole Boris.


First time, I ever use a ENB and all I find are dodgy malware sites. Confused me for a while.


I'm surprised we can only get it on one website, I take it that he has a copy write or something on his base ENB files? What if he has like a heart attack, would ENBs be gone forever?



I assume his source of information is this reddit post https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/8ytn1v/cant_access_enbdevcom_is_it_down_for_everyone/


Not sure it is valid but it at least seems plausible.


First post says:

I wrote him an email and he said:

"Hi. I have some issues caused by bank, so site is down without payment. Just wait."

Edited by Stejawiko
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