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Topic Of Music And Voice Acting


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Well im pretty bored at the moment so im gonna write a bit of an open article/Topic for us all to disscuss cause we got nothing better to do...


why im makeing this is cause i recently started makeing alot of sound!

1. ive started voice acting (im told im pretty good at it)

2.im starting to write some music to! (told im pretty good for self-teaching myself to play)


And uhm ya! and what about you? do you like to make some Sound? loud? soft? post it here (like i am) and hopefully by the time this post is done soemone will be intreged by my sounds and song's enough to post what they can do


well heres my voice acting



and heres a random song totally random song i did a second ago... (just for the sake of the post!)





A FireBat is a unit from starcraft for the terrans who uses flame throwers (and there bad-azz)


Now im gonna wait for you peeps to show me soem of your stuff or you can just comment mine or uhm something 0.0

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I use a mixture of Audacity and Windows Vista Recorder (Audacity mainly for Voice Hexing and compression) and the rest of it is just me messing with my own voice haha :biggrin:
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I listened to them last night, and I am going to be honest. You shouldn't use the voice modifier as much or tone it down a little. I felt the use of the software was much but for effort they are quite good also.


The music was farely good as wellm it would suit a medieval game.

Well Done :thumbsup:

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Last night, I got an opportunity to talk to Kyle Hebert, who does a lot of voice overs in famous animes, via an online chat room. I asked him one question: What is your favorite thing about being a voice actor? And this is his response, word for word:

23:01 Kyle Hebert

well getting to travel the country, attending conventions, meeting the fans face to face......that feedback is absolutely important to me.

»you guys make my job possible after all

»favorite game genre is shooters, fighters, and racers


I feel so special....

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Well thanks for the feed-back and compliment's i know i sortve over used the program's editing features a bit to much


And about the music i try to play as much Medeaval music as possible (i mod oblivion a bit and im always needing inspiration)

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