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Vilja Update Didn't Work


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So I went to the Bloated Float, quicksaved, then went and talked to Vilja. I continued playing for a while, and then I remembered I hadn't installed the latest version of Vilja (I probably had the first or second version). I went and installed version 4, then loaded an autosave, but I couldn't find the new features (no romance option, no playing games, nothing)! I thought that it was because I already talked to her, so I loaded the quicksave I made before talking to her, but she still didn't have any of the new features. Please don't tell me I have to restart the game just to get the new features on Vilja? Does anyone have an answer for me?
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The safest and most foolproof way of updating Companion Vilja is to take anything you want to save from her inventory, leave her waiting in an interior cell somewhere (as long as you are in a different cell it's good) and then make a save. Exit the game, deactivate 1em_Vilja.esp, start the game and load your save. The game will warn you about missing content ... just continue, it's alright. Make another save (using the save menu from the Esc menu and don't overwrite ... make a new save). This is the 'clean save'. Update both 1em_Vilja.esp and 1em_Vilja.bsa with version 4.01 and version 4 for the BSA. Activate 1em_Vilja.esp and load your clean save. Go to where you left Vilja and check out her options (found off her 'How are your skills progressing' menu option).


On a side note quicksave and autosave are known problem causers (quicksave in particular can lead to save file corruption). My advice is never use quicksave and only load from an autosave if you'd lose more progress than you care to if you load your most recent regular save. Only save using the Esc menu save or named saves using the console command 'save <SaveName>'.


If need be you can get Vilja back to about where you were in her old questline by visiting Heneri at the Cheydinhal Bridge Inn and cast Vilja's start combat spell on Heneri. And as Emma says in the Vilja manual ... if you haven't got far enough into Vilja's quests to meet Heneri there's no reason to need this (because you've only progressed a small way into the story).

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I wonder, when you say you have no option to play games and no options for romance, are you positive this is the case?


You won't have anything romance-related showing up ingame unless you go to her options book (which is in the skills report menu) and check the romance option.

The "Play a game" topic is inside the "You and I"- topic.


It is only during very special occasions you should need to uninstall/reinstall Vilja in order to upgrade. Normally, upgrading just means replacing the esp and the bsa. That is why I ask if you are absolutely posiitve the upgrade didn't work.

If you indeed have to uninstall/reinstall, it's exactly like Striker explains; you can get back to approx where you were before the reinstall by talking to Heneri in Cheydinhal.

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Yeah, I checked to be sure before I was certain. There was no romance option in the options book, and there was no You and I topic.

The reason I had to uninstall/reinstall is probably because I had a quicksave where I was right next to her and looking at her... Idk that's just my guess.

Edited by TatonisX
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What is Vilja's disposition towards your character? If it's low make sure your character isn't wearing anything that would lower personality and maybe stop by a wayshrine to be sure you aren't suffering from any disease or the like that may lower your personality.
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Yeah, I checked to be sure before I was certain. There was no romance option in the options book, and there was no You and I topic.

The reason I had to uninstall/reinstall is probably because I had a quicksave where I was right next to her and looking at her... Idk that's just my guess.



Well, of course you shouldn't update from a quicksave where Vilja is standing next to you. Quicksaves aren't good, btw... use regular saves instead, quicksaves are bound to sooner or later corrupt your game, especially if you are quicksaving with mor than one PC-character.


You can try to make a new save where you are apart from Vilja.


Else, simply uninstall the previous version the way Striker suggest in his first post. You should be able to get back to approx the stage you are at by simply casting the start-combat-spell on Heneri.


The You and I topic should be inside the "Let's just talk for a while" topic. If it isn't there I take it you are using a very old version of Vilja, as I beleive the "You and I"topic has been there since ver 3.0.

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Ok, so I did everything Striker said, and it still didn't work. I think I'm just gonna delete all my saves and start from scratch. I was only lvl 4 anyways. Does anyone have any other solutions? If it helps, I've been extracting them with an evaluation version of Winzip.
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