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Falling Through World at Start


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I just recently (couple days ago) decided to play Skyrim with mods installed, and have been installing then activating/deactivating many different ones in order to get the game to actually run, as the game would freeze in various places during load up with certain mods installed (such as "the Asteria" and "Rayeks End").


I have finally achieved getting the actual game started, but to my dismay, after escaping the chopping block at the start of the game, my character falls through the world continually when trying to enter one of the keeps (either one).


I have roughly 70 mods installed right now. Most are either armor retextures, homes/housing mods, lighting/environment retextures, and armor/weapon additions, with a couple larger scale ones such as "LC-Become King of Riverhelm".


My question is if anyone off the top of their head would know of any mods that would create this problem (character falling through the world), which mods would they be, and if there is a way to fix this?


Thanks in advance.


*Edit* Just noticed the Technical Support area for moding :wallbash:

Edited by humankeg
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You might try process of elimination. Remove half of your mods and play-test. If the game is still bad, remove half of the remaining mods and test again. If it is good, reinstall half of the removed mods. Etc. Etc.


You might try just building a patch mod in the CK. It would include the dirty edits necessary to make it so that you do not fall when you enter the keeps. You would place this patch late in your load order so it would load after the bad mod, whichever one it is.

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You might try process of elimination. Remove half of your mods and play-test. If the game is still bad, remove half of the remaining mods and test again. If it is good, reinstall half of the removed mods. Etc. Etc.


You might try just building a patch mod in the CK. It would include the dirty edits necessary to make it so that you do not fall when you enter the keeps. You would place this patch late in your load order so it would load after the bad mod, whichever one it is.



No idea, not even the slightest idea on how to mod :P


That being said, I played around more with some mods (trial and elimination as you recommended I continue doing) and found out it was http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=141 that was causing part of the problem. I disabled that and can now enter the keep have my hands unbound.


The current problem is that most of the chests in the room are now missing, and once going through the first doorway, I again fall through the world. I can even see the open world through the bars of the door way.


Would anyone happen to know if issues like these usually occur due to landscape/scenary retextures?


My next mod I will try to disable will be "skyrim HD - 2k textures", but I hope that isn't the problem, as I have heard so many great things of it.

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So I disabled Skyrim HD - 2k textures and now my current problem is gone.


Anyone familiar with this mod and know of any compatibility issues with other texture mods? For example, I am running http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=8236 along with http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=607, the "Lush Grass/Trees, "Static Mesh Improvement Mod", and am wondering since these all deal with environmental textures, would there be conflicts with them?


It looks as if they mostly do different things to the game, but... :rolleyes:


Thanks in advance.


Edit: and in a new update, I re-activated Skyrim HD - 2k Textures, and the game seems to be working fine again. Really don't know what to think :unsure:

Edited by humankeg
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