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Falling Through World at Start


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I just recently (couple days ago) decided to play Skyrim with mods installed, and have been installing then activating/deactivating many different ones in order to get the game to actually run, as the game would freeze in various places during load up with certain mods installed (such as "the Asteria" and "Rayeks End").


I have finally achieved getting the actual game started, but to my dismay, after escaping the chopping block at the start of the game, my character falls through the world continually when trying to enter one of the keeps (either one).


I have roughly 70 mods installed right now. Most are either armor retextures, homes/housing mods, lighting/environment retextures, and armor/weapon additions, with a couple larger scale ones such as "LC-Become King of Riverhelm".


My question is if anyone off the top of their head would know of any mods that would create this problem (character falling through the world), which mods would they be, and if there is a way to fix this?


Thanks in advance.



This is a Dup thread I made, as the last one I posted was in the wrong forums section.

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  • 2 months later...

I know you posted this problem a while back but i found out how to fix this. i had the same issue as you had. Falling through the floor at the start of the game! I can tell you it's an easy fix! Just uninstall Riverhelm mod then it will all be sorted.

Hope this helped ;)

Edited by Ziclag
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