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Wolf helms or cloaks of animals


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I do not know how it is possible but so far there is no armor or helm made head of a wolf or werewolf, WTF?!


Come on guys, where are the true children of Skyrim?

already there are hundreds of mods with things anime and effeminate oriental themes, we need to focus more on the climate and Nordic barbarian game because it is rare in games nowadays.


I have also noticed that many people in nexus has an interest in such equipment.


So I appeal to those with skill in creating or importing meshes we do something about it.


Here I have some ideas of how this might look like:



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KaptTorbjorn Thank you! I do not have much knowledge in editing programs I'm still learning to use the CK, but I'll try to do something in nifskope.


If someone more experienced to be interested would be welcome, giving all credit to KaptTorbjorn course

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