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Underworld Vampires and/or Werewolves


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ok i think i saw the vampire thing before but i can't find it anymore. any way if you saw the movie i was think of that kind of Vampire. Creepy eyes, pasty white, but no freaky cheekbone thing. that is one of the reasons i'm not a vamp any more. weird cheekbones.


The werewolves would just be cool to have.


I was thinking that the vampires would just be retextured but the werewolves would have to be new. Should the werewolves be a race or something like the vampires where you get bit then transformed? Anyone got any ideas?

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If you want to take down some werewolves, give Lost Paladins of the Divines a go.




If you want them as companions, you can download CM Partners: Werewolves




You can wear a Lycan suit with this mod: Lycan Bodysuit




Female clothing: Catsuits, JB Catsuit varients




If you want the blue eyes of the vampires, grab this mod: Underworld Vampires



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