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Adding more fall damage


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One of the things I loved about WiS was the added fall damage. Well, not so much for me but the fact that I could blow NPC's off of a fairly steep hill or cliff and watch them bounce off rocks and the like and not worry about them coming back up. I'd like to add that since I uninstalled WiS and the fall damage effect went with it.


I've looked in the Creation Kit but I don't really know how to add it or where to look. Could any of you guys give me some advice on how to do this?

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There is a perk in the heavy armour tree I think that reduces fall damage. I have used this mechanism to reduce fall damage in my custom ability adrenaline surge in Nature of the beast mod.You can check it out. In the same way you should be able to increase fall damage. I havent tested it on other actors. Just on player.
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I'm not finding Globals anywhere in the CK, again I have no idea on where to even start or look. I imagine that since it's script that I'm going to have to mess with that which if that's the case somebody else is going to have to work that out because I can barely even navigate the CK, let alone script anything.


Edit: Alright after a hour of searching I found "Globals", I thought that's what I had to look for but it was under Game Settings. I found fJumpFallHeightMultNPC & fJumpFallHeightMult now I just want to know how to change them reasonably so I'm not putting something in and dying after a 2 ft drop. The vanilla variable is 0.100000 for both so...yeah, I don't what to put them as.

Edited by Darkdemise13
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Ups, sorry. I thougth it was in the Global section (it is under Miscellaneous, in the main window) instead of the Game Settings. My mistake.


You can change it to 0.2 to double the amount of damage from a fall or you can download this mod from dDefinder:




You want the Optional file called Increase Fall Damage.

Edited by pauderek
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  • 3 months later...
Anyone know how to apply these things to spells though? It's absolutely ridiculous how the VL grip move, and other spells like Apocalypse Throw/Slam/Earth to Water basically can skyrocket someone 50 feet in the air and they take ZERO damage upon falling and get up right after.
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