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Need help getting Crossfire to work properly.


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I'm almost at my wits end with Crossfire and it not working right. Does anyone have any advice on how i can get the game to stop the horrible stuttering that happens when turning around? It seems to run fine when walking/running/galloping forward but as soon as i need to turn around my FPS drop to about 2 until the stuff behind me loads up, which is usually 3-5 seconds or so. I've tried a lot of things in the past and some worked for a very brief time and then the problem would come back out of the blue, but the other 95% of the time it just doesn't work.


My system:


2 sapphire 6970's - usually not in crossfire mode because Skyrim sucks.

Intel 2600k 3.4ghz

7200 rpm drive

12gb gaming RAM



I only use 1 color management mod that uses a d3d9.dll...


FXAA PPI Manual Install (Saturation Only)



Any advice would be appreciated.

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