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Why can't I do anything about the Silver-Bloods and Black-briars?


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Railroading = having Stone(s) of Barenziah and the only way you can get rid of it (them) is to join the Thieves Guild, and having no knowledge whatsoever that EITHER are inevitable until you pick it up the first stone.


Except that isn't railroading because you aren't forced to do it, try again.


furthermore you dont HAVE to join the thieves guild for any reason.


If you want to get rid of that Stone(s) from your inventory and remove yourself of the encumberance that comes with carrying each and every item you would otherwise simply just drop on the ground - you HAVE to join the Thieves Guild.


Thats railroading.


Yes, technically you don't have to join the Thieves Guild

Yes, technically you are STUCK with said items until you do.

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If you want to get rid of that Stone(s) from your inventory and remove yourself of the encumberance that comes with carrying each and every item you would otherwise simply just drop on the ground - you HAVE to join the Thieves Guild.


Thats railroading.


Yes, technically you don't have to join the Thieves Guild

Yes, technically you are STUCK with said items until you do.

Quest items have no weight even if it shows on the UI that they do.


It has been this way since Oblivion, through Fallout 3, and New Vegas, and yet people somehow miss it.

Edited by sajuukkhar9000
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Ok, so the question remains - how can I put this nice shiny Stone on my end table (like every NPC in the game) WITHOUT having to join the TG?


Then again, I can't even do that IF I join the TG.

Edited by fraquar
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Getting caught up on whether or not it is technically railroading is beside the point that the game has a story route it clearly gives much more support to- there is no distinction between disliking the thieves guild and just not having time for them, while the dark brotherhood gives you the option to wipe them out.
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Nope, it's simply evidence of derailment off the railroads tracks that Bethesda apparently intended you to be on ...


BTT: I always now as rule of play, go to the Black Briar Mercenary Lodge (or whatever it's called) and butcher the whole bunch! It never gets mentioned and no-one seems to care, but damn me it's fun and gives a certain amount of satisfaction as well

Nope, its simple evidence of... well nothing.


Getting admitted into The College doesn't make you a real member, an honorary one sure, just as Sinderion was, but until you actually do College things your not "in" the college.


The Guards saying "your that mage from the college" is just acknowledging you honorary membership.



Sajuukkhar.....this is stretching it mighty thin in trying prove your case....'honorary member'?..... really?.... :whistling: ....No, it's plain and simple railroading.

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BTT: I always now as rule of play, go to the Black Briar Mercenary Lodge (or whatever it's called) and butcher the whole bunch! It never gets mentioned and no-one seems to care, but damn me it's fun and gives a certain amount of satisfaction as well


Me too.... :happy: ....It irks me that it's not recognized, but yes there is a certain satisfaction to be felt.... :devil:

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Railroading = having Stone(s) of Barenziah and the only way you can get rid of it (them) is to join the Thieves Guild, and having no knowledge whatsoever that EITHER are inevitable until you pick it up the first stone.


Yep, I fell for picking up one of those damned rocks in my first game...have not touched them since, hate being stuck with stuff in my inventory I am never able to be rid of....Can't get rid of the 'Strange Amulet' or the Bards instruments either, though quests are done and signed off....Turn to console is the only way.

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I have to agree with the railroading issue. Skyrim is one of the worst games I know about this, too. You can get railroaded into a quest just by overhearing a conversation. Someone mentions joining the Stormcloaks and the PC writes in his journal to "Join the Stormcloak Rebellion". Not! What if I don't like the Stormcloaks for some reason? Why would I write in my private journal a reminder to join them? I wouldn't. This is just another example of Bethesda's strong-arm technique of getting you involved in every single primary questline in the game, whether, as a role-player, you're interested in them or not.


The Stones of Barenziah are doubly bad, because you not only get stuck with a quest in your journal, but you can get stuck with up to 24 of the damned things in your inventory. They're useless clutter that you can't get rid of if you don't join the Thieves Guild, or unless you install a mod that allows you to drop them. That mod still doesn't remove the quest from your journal and it's "clutter" there, just like the stones were in your inventory.


So, yes, sajuukkhar9000, this is "railroading" as the term is defined in modern usage. To wit: "1. V., to coerce, trick, or seduce others into a course of action that they would not otherwise choose." (Urban Dictionary).


We see this everywhere in this game. You get railroaded into quests by reading books, hearing conversations, picking up objects, or having to get involved in one quest to complete an entirely unrelated quest. After you've been around the block a few (dozen) times you probably recognize the danger signs like "Unusual Gem", Stormcloak or Imperial Patrols, Windhelm Guards, and books named "Legend of Red Eagle" or "Boethiah's Proving", and avoid them. The first-time player is probably going to be suckered into every single "stealth quest" in the game.

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