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Profanity filter

jojo man

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Hey all,

I'm not sure how long the Profanity filter has been active(Not noticed it before) but it kinda messed with a link of mine in this post. I was wondering if it was intended to work this way (blocking parts of url's) or not. I can see how it would be useful, but is it possible to adjust so that it won't chop up a link if the "offensive text" is part of a larger word? Or maybe that it won't block urls coming from such places as Wikipedia(such as the referenced link)? Thanks in advance.


EDIT: I was trying to post a link to the character of Riddi-ck(without the -), from the movies Pitch Black and the Cronicles of Riddi-ck. I was eventually forced to deliberately misspell the name to get the point across, but it was the fact that it messed up the link that prompted me to ask this.

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Hehehe...I brought this up in the staff area not to long ago for the exact same scenario. I created some Rid%&$! Saber Claws and it is impossible to link to my Photobucket gallery for that mod because of it.


It has been suggested to remove that particular word from the filter. If people abuse it, we are still covered by the Terms of Service and rules to take action so it is just a matter if Dark0ne wants to remove that word from the filter or not (he is the only one that can)



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If you have a problem with links, you could always use something like http://tinyurl.com/ to bypass the filter.

Except some people don't like using tinyurl links since you can't know specifically where they go until after you've clicked them. Some of us don't like clicking links and being bombarded by popups and malicious scripts.

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