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Putting New Files into a Mod


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Until recently, most of my modding was very simple, using in game items and such, but I want to add in some custom meshes, and I can't figure out how. I've put all the meshes into a bsa and placed them in the data folder, but I still can't access them in the creation kit. Also, if anyone knows of a free program where I can retexture some of the vanilla meshes in skyrim I'd appreciate it if you helped me out there too. Thanks in advance.
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...if anyone knows of a free program where I can retexture some of the vanilla meshes in skyrim I'd appreciate it if you helped me out there too. Thanks in advance.



with dds plugin


you'll also need nikskope if you are changing the file location of the texture.



Edited by DizzasterJuice
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Paint.NET is also a free image editing program that supports .dds files natively (no plugin required) and also automatically creates an "alpha layer' in .dds files for when you need to make a part of a mesh 'invisible'


So copy and existing mesh and open it in Nifskope, Expand the NiTriShape details and go to BSLightingShaderProperty ->Texture Set find out which files it points to, copy those and make the changes you want -> change the path in the .nif to point towards your new .dds files and save the .nif and the .dds files in a unique (but easily found) location


Open the CK and start creating your new item, there is a

, It's a bit long winded but the concept is the same, just instead of selecting in-game meshes as he does (when he's changing the models for the 1stperson and in game views) select your own customized ones instead = Profit
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