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[LE] Editing weapon files keeps creating duplicates.


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I'm trying to edit some weapon mods I've downloaded to more closely resemble the balance that I have in my game, but whenever I edit weapon files they immediately create a dupilicate and won't actually function. The same thing happened to me in New Vegas (which made me quit that game), whilst nothing ever went wrong with Fallout 3 modded weapons. Vanilla weapons work just fine, it's only modded weapons that keep creating duplicate files, and it seems to not be consistent (some weapons can be edited just fine, others can't).


Has anyone else had this issue?

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You need to make sure that when you load the mod that you will be editing that it is set as active. Otherwise the CK will assume that you are creating a new plugin and will duplicate the forms that you edit but won't link to any other associated records.


You have two ways to approach this.

1. Edit the mod in question directly. Downside is should said mod get updated you will need to redo all your changes.

2. Create a patch file that contains your edits. Downside is that it creates another plugin which can be an issue if you are already pushing the 255 limit.



The first is easy to do, just flag the plugin as active, make your edits and save.


The second while just as easy requires a few more steps. You'll need to first set the CK ini file to allow multiple master loads. Then you'll need to use Wrye Bash or TES5Edit to toggle the field that tells the CK that the file is a master plugin rather than a standard plugin. IMHO it is easier in Wrye Bash (right click plugin and choose 'esmifiy'). After that you load the plugin in the CK without marking it as active, make your edits and save. A new plugin is created complete with links to any other associated records in the original plugin. Then you have to go back and 'espify' the parent plugin (i.e. toggle the field to make the CK think it is a standard plugin rather than a master plugin)

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EDIT hold up, Im dumb and tired, gimme a sec, reading that again xD


I can't seem to select esmsify, only espify. I'm trying to edit esp files (and I was stupid and didn't realise it and now I can't create an ESM out of the ESM that I just turned into a master haha), so this isn't really going forward.

Edited by JMor1
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If the plugin is already a master file then you will not have an 'esmify' option. 'espify' is to convert to ESP status while 'esmify' is to convert to ESM status.


If you are wanting to edit existing weapon mods, these will most likely be ESP files. These are what need to be converted to ESM status with 'esmify' and re-converted to ESP status after editing with 'espify'. However, if your plugin will be an ESM you will not be able to include modifications to the lower loading ESP files. You may need to re-think your mod build or just do it as an ESP with multiple masters.















In this setup you can have any of the plugins (esm or esp) listed above as parent masters even if they have an ESP extension. The CK edit allows using as many ESM files as necessary as a master. 'esmify' in Wrye Bash allows fooling the CK into thinking an ESP is an ESM. Thus with 'esmify' you can have as many ESP masters as you need.












In this scenario, your mod can only have other ESM files as parent masters. The lowest your plugin can load is at the very bottom of the ESM list. Any ESP files will not be able to be parent masters. Even if you were to 'esmify' them so that they could become parent masters, once they become 'espified' and load after your ESM plugin the game will refuse to load as you cannot have parent master loading after the plugin that depends on them.



I hope this makes sense.

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I'm not quite sure, Wyrebash simply doesn't give me the option to do those things, and it appears it has completely destroyed my ability to change my load order in NMM (it just gives me that little error marker whenever I try and move things), I guess I'll stick to editing the mod files themselves for now, because I'm gonna have to try and make changing the load order possible now.

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