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Knights of the Nine Fame/Infamy Cheat Item

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I generally play characters that are on the wrong side of the law in Tamriel. And the Knights of the Nine expansion really requires your character to have Infamy of 1 or less; otherwise it becomes a real chore to meet the ingame requirements.

Since my character usually has an Infamy that exceeds the minimum -and it just keeps on rising- I wanted to introduce an item to the gameworld (throught the player.additem console command) that seemingly redeems my protagonist.


I reworked the script that was originally attached to the Grey Cowl of Nocturnal and attached it to a custom crystal ball.


Script is in attached file.


Does this have a chance in hell to work as I intend?



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Your script looks complicated, instead of you I would create a "quest" script to add the object and an object script.


This should do the job.




ScriptName TheNameYouWantYourScriptToHave


short DoOnce


Begin GameMode


if (player.getinfaction NDKnightsoftheNine ==1) && (GetPCInfamy >1)

player.additem YourInfamyRemoverEditorID

set doonce to 1




Object script:


ScriptName TheNameYouGaveToYourScript


Begin OnAdd Player

setpcinfamy 0




Don't set your infamy-remover as a quest-item. When your infamy overcomes 1, drop it and take it again.

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I see what you mean.


However, the script I intended to use is not designed to permanently set the Infamy to zero.


If you drop the object, you should automatically regain all the Fame and Infamy -and possible bounties- you already had, just before the object gets added for the first time.


Whether it actually will, remains in question.


Thank you for your thoughts -it's appreciated.

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just attach this script to your item

scn aaaSethKotNRedemptionScript

short inf

begin onadd player
	set inf to getpcinfamy
	setpcinfamy 0

begin ondrop player
	setpcinfamy inf

this sets your infamy to 0 and when u drop it your infamy is up again.


or you use this script

scn aaaSethKotNRedemptionScript

short inf
short infend

begin onadd player
	set inf to getpcinfamy
	setpcinfamy 0

begin ondrop player
	set infend to getpcinfamy + inf
	setpcinfamy infend

this also adds the infamy you gain while having the item in your inventory to your initial "score"

Edited by flamingaxe
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