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Warzone 2100

Lonnie the Weak

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I used to play Warzone 2100 alot but now I can't ( because the game is old and my computer is new ) It came out in 1998 ( I think ) and is one of the best war games for the simple reasons that you can design your units and its simply challenging.


yeah, the the 21XX games are really good. you could check arround to see if anyone made a XP/Vista patch (official or otherwise) for it. just the other day I found a set of patches for Mechwarrior 2 titanium trilogy. So I've been enjoying some retro gaming.

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  • 4 months later...

I thought it was fantastic and recently found a way of operating it on more modern computers though I would have to go back and find out how this happened.


Liked not only that you could both design and upgrade your own units but the amazing amount of weapons and tools you could get, the wide range of defenses and buildings along with the real great design of some of the weapons. Like the multiple barreled howitzer, like a combination of howitzer and minigun, the ripple rockets, the cyborgs, the VTOL jets and much more.


Later came the patches which gave extras for the skirmish maps like flying repair units, huge sized cyborgs and special extra powerful armoured bodies like a red coloured 'dragon'.


Also I liked the story line and the use of transports and also the enemy computer program who was rather savage and chilling. Especially when it began to take over friendly units and turn them against you. The part of the story when it betrays a whole lot of factional allies by nuking them to kill the heroes forces is a nice but brutal twist.


I would love to see a more modern version of it with the same concepts but enhanced graphics and extended game play. Also the ability to mod the game would be great.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I played Warzone 2100 too. My friend and I even played it on LAN.


It was its innovative design that attracted me to it. There were dozens of RTS games out at the time and I noticed this had unique differences from the others.


The battles lasted a long time and from what I remember the game play was smooth and fun. I've still got it in my old CD shelf. Its one of those classics.

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  • 2 months later...

Fantastic game. I played it on and off for years. The ability to design your own units, the amazing design of weapons, the later editions, the frightening challenge of the enemy being an insane computer program able to manipulate whole armies with better technologies than you and abandoned weapons of mass destruction along with computer viruses that took over friendly units, this and much more kept me very interested.


The only thing that stops me going back is other commitments, trying to finish off newer games and illness but I fully intend to do the game again.



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