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Stardew Valley

Trying to make a content pack with no coding experience, could really use some help.


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I wanted to recolor some of the furniture for Stardew Valley to be more of my taste, so I embarked on an adventure to try and do more than just recolor the sprites, and actually have them capable of working. I successfully unpacked the files, edited them, repacked them, and went ahead making a folder in my Mods folder to store my information. I was able to follow along the instructions to create a manifest.JSON file, but it also needs a content.JSON, and the instructions are quite confusing me. In fact, I don't even feel like i'm being instructed by these.

I am on this page and... I don't see what i'm supposed to be doing. I don't know why some of the words are green, and some are red. I don't know if that means something, but i'm not seeing information about color coding. I've re-read this over and over, but i'm lost. "You can get a list of content packs installed for your mod, and access the files within it" doesn't mean anything to me. I don't know what i'm supposed to be writing, what i'm supposed to be replacing, what i'm supposed to be accessing... I know that I edited the images and want to use them, but I haven't taken a computer course in a LONG time. This is different from cutting and pasting html to make a myspace layout!


I need to stress the fact that I have been diagnosed with a learning disability, so I have more difficulty with written directions than if I were to watch a video or something. I do have the ability to understand this, i'm positive, but I require more detailed information, and google is *not* helping me. At all. The way everything is written, I feel like i'm missing crucial information, and I don't have the available vocabulary to accurately describe what it is that I even need.

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Archive your mod, upload it somewhere and give me link.

I will create content.json for you.

That took me a while to figure out too, but I got it done! I appreciate it. I think by looking at that page, and the content.JSON you make for me, I will be able to dissect what it is I need to do to create them myself in the future. I feel like it's nowhere near as difficult as my brain is trying to convince me it is, I think i'm just getting visually overwhelmed as coding is basically its own language, and i'm not used to it.


I did not change very much as I didn't want to commit many hours of editing to something if I couldn't eventually get it to work, but i'd be interested in editing other things in the future. There are quite a lot of furniture items that I would like if they were just a different color :tongue:



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Thank you so much! I can't wait to try it out and see if it works... and looking between the instructions page I found and what you've done so I can figure out/learn what you did so I can do it myself in the future. There are also some XNB mods I've come across that I wouldn't mind converting to Content Patcher files :D

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