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Scariest Moment!


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I bet that all who have played Oblivion have had their own scary moment!


I will tell you mine, and if you want tell me yours too :)




I was in Bruma walking around, when i suddenly wanted to enter the chapel. I went in and looked around for a bit. After a while the place was empty, looked for any npc's but there were none to be seen.


I went down to the Chapel Halls and looked, saw no one, heard no one....the place was dead so to speak. But then all of a sudden behind me came a big character and said with a LOUD voice...Stop right there you criminal scum.....it was Amadus Philida!!


Don't ask me where he came from cuz i have no idea....but he scared the h*ll out of me!


That is my only scary moment, please share yours too :)

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I was exploring the vampire haven from "Vampire Haven" mod. I looked around, when i went into the library, i heard some person speaking. Sounded like a little girl to me, she was whispering, i looked around, but there was nobody. I get jumpy every time i hear a person whisper like that. I disabled the mod after that.
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Be warned, I'm easily scared, so this might not seem remotely frightening to anybody else.


I was dungeon crawling in an Ayleid ruin, crouched down with my bow out. It was really dark, since I have the Darker Dungeons mod enabled, and the only light came from around the corner. So I just kept walking forward slowly, ready to fire an arrow at any moment. I was about halfway down the hallway when I got hit by those swinging blades that come out of the walls. I fell out of my chair and screamed.


Of course, the suspenseful music I put in the 'dungeon' folder didn't help much. :sweat:

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Yeah, and right after that a zombie walked around the corner and started running at me, only to get sliced up by the swinging blades. Then I started laughing. Poor, pathetic undead zombie man.



Hahaha did you say this too "That's for scaring me"? :biggrin:


I love the zombies, once i scripted so i became one myself....the guards didn't quite like me new costume :whistling:

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scarriest one was in mehrunes razor. i tried to open the gate by force, no suceed. turned around and holy vulk that dude was right behind me. from then on i got the nighteye glasses mod and use ti in dungeons and poo.
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