tinylewtgriffon Posted May 26, 2012 Share Posted May 26, 2012 Ok, so not too long ago, I had the same problem involving the Dark Brotherhood and the search for the gourmet. In the end I had to move a quest character outside, but I would like a permanent fix. This problem is happening again with the Thieves guild for the falmer language. It was fine before the quest, and it was fine after the gourmet part, but is anyone familiar with this problem and have a way to fix it? Why does the game crash when trying to enter Understone during these quests? I removed my most recent mods from when I last entered the "palace", but it doesn't work. Console still results in the crash too trying to tele in. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Georgiegril Posted May 26, 2012 Share Posted May 26, 2012 Mods? Where, exactly do you crash?What are you doing just before the crash? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tinylewtgriffon Posted May 26, 2012 Author Share Posted May 26, 2012 Mods? Where, exactly do you crash?What are you doing just before the crash? Markarth is the crash (title lol) bUt I'll activate the doors, they'll open to load, but the second you "leave" markarth the game crashes before the loadscreen. I have like 100 mods running, but it's only during the faction main quests. I was there before for pickpocket, fine, but main quest? nope for some reason. I'm wondering if the scripts have been buggered or something Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Georgiegril Posted May 26, 2012 Share Posted May 26, 2012 Markarth is the crash (title lol) bUt I'll activate the doors, they'll open to load, but the second you "leave" markarth the game crashes before the loadscreen. I have like 100 mods running, but it's only during the faction main quests. I was there before for pickpocket, fine, but main quest? nope for some reason. I'm wondering if the scripts have been buggered or something Actually I was afraid the answer to my "what" question was gonna be "playing Skyrim, duh!" :rolleyes: Well you could have a script error, but it's probably related to a mod, and I can't really help you with that unless I can see what you've got. Screenshots work if you don't *love* to type...Sometimes the mod causing problems doesn't seem like it would be associated, so listing them all would be the most useful way. If you are not comfortable posting that you have the chicken in a bikini mod ;) , then I would alternately suggest that you:1. Run BOSS or some other ordering software and hand-place mods that BOSS doesn't recognize with similar mods2. Verify your game cache3. Revisit the readmes and discussion pages of all of you mods, starting either with the most likely suspects (mods having to do, even tangentially, with Markarth: general environment mods (including things like SOS), quest and NPC mods, looking for mention of similar problems and the workaround. Listing all your mods may not preclude you from having to go through the second option, alas, but I might see something that jogs a thought in me or someone else.... Since it only happens at Markarth, it doesn't seem to me that it is likely to be a problem with your hardware or settings--I hope that offers you some consolation. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tinylewtgriffon Posted May 26, 2012 Author Share Posted May 26, 2012 Markarth is the crash (title lol) bUt I'll activate the doors, they'll open to load, but the second you "leave" markarth the game crashes before the loadscreen. I have like 100 mods running, but it's only during the faction main quests. I was there before for pickpocket, fine, but main quest? nope for some reason. I'm wondering if the scripts have been buggered or something Actually I was afraid the answer to my "what" question was gonna be "playing Skyrim, duh!" :rolleyes: Well you could have a script error, but it's probably related to a mod, and I can't really help you with that unless I can see what you've got. Screenshots work if you don't *love* to type...Sometimes the mod causing problems doesn't seem like it would be associated, so listing them all would be the most useful way. If you are not comfortable posting that you have the chicken in a bikini mod ;) , then I would alternately suggest that you:1. Run BOSS or some other ordering software and hand-place mods that BOSS doesn't recognize with similar mods2. Verify your game cache3. Revisit the readmes and discussion pages of all of you mods, starting either with the most likely suspects (mods having to do, even tangentially, with Markarth: general environment mods (including things like SOS), quest and NPC mods, looking for mention of similar problems and the workaround. Listing all your mods may not preclude you from having to go through the second option, alas, but I might see something that jogs a thought in me or someone else.... Since it only happens at Markarth, it doesn't seem to me that it is likely to be a problem with your hardware or settings--I hope that offers you some consolation. There's a chicken in a bikini mod? I may have to DL that just for the humour of it lol. and thanks for the advise Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Z999999zAaaaaaaaaa Posted June 6, 2012 Share Posted June 6, 2012 Markarth is the crash (title lol) bUt I'll activate the doors, they'll open to load, but the second you "leave" markarth the game crashes before the loadscreen. I have like 100 mods running, but it's only during the faction main quests. I was there before for pickpocket, fine, but main quest? nope for some reason. I'm wondering if the scripts have been buggered or something Actually I was afraid the answer to my "what" question was gonna be "playing Skyrim, duh!" :rolleyes: Well you could have a script error, but it's probably related to a mod, and I can't really help you with that unless I can see what you've got. Screenshots work if you don't *love* to type...Sometimes the mod causing problems doesn't seem like it would be associated, so listing them all would be the most useful way. If you are not comfortable posting that you have the chicken in a bikini mod ;) , then I would alternately suggest that you:1. Run BOSS or some other ordering software and hand-place mods that BOSS doesn't recognize with similar mods2. Verify your game cache3. Revisit the readmes and discussion pages of all of you mods, starting either with the most likely suspects (mods having to do, even tangentially, with Markarth: general environment mods (including things like SOS), quest and NPC mods, looking for mention of similar problems and the workaround. Listing all your mods may not preclude you from having to go through the second option, alas, but I might see something that jogs a thought in me or someone else.... Since it only happens at Markarth, it doesn't seem to me that it is likely to be a problem with your hardware or settings--I hope that offers you some consolation. There's a chicken in a bikini mod? I may have to DL that just for the humour of it lol. and thanks for the advise Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mensch8maschine Posted June 19, 2012 Share Posted June 19, 2012 (edited) I've got the EXACT same problem, need to talk to the gourmet, can't enter the keep. Also, I couldn't enter a part of the Labyrinthian, which is also Dwemer themed. I had assumed it may be dwemer texture or lighting related... my mods: Update.esmTravellersOfSkyrim.esmPopulated Cities NPCListMaster.esmWARZONES - Civil Unrest.esmJSwords.esmmoonpath.esmApachiiHair.esmSPODUM.esmBreezehomeLadderFix.espBrynjolf Dialogue Fix.espShrine of Azura LOD Fix.espTalosShrineFix.espHighResTexturePackFix.espIceBreaker's Improved Reverb.espImproved Combat Sounds v2.0.espRooster At Dawn v1.0.espskyradio.espSoS - The Dungeons.espSoS - The Wilds.espBetter Dynamic Snow.espNatural Skyrim Rain.espRealistic Lighting.espRealistic Lighting Patcher.espWeapons and Armor fixes.espWeapons and Armor fixes - Hacks.espStaticMeshImprovementMod.esp3DNPC.esp83Willows_101BUGS_V4_HighRes_HighSpawn.espAuto Unequip Helmet.espBirds.espBirdsofskyrim.espbloodierCombatv1.1.espCatsofskyrim.espChesko_WearableLantern.espConjuration & Summoning fixes.espCrimson Tide - Blood.espGS.espDaedricCrownCraftable.espDragonCrownCraftable.espDragonPlateCrownCraftable.espDogsofskyrim.espDragonSoulsToPerks.espEbonyCrownCraftable.espElvenCrownCraftable.espExpandedJewelryCrafting.espGlassCrownCraftable.espImmersive Patrols.espLanterns Of Skyrim - All In One.espLong lost smelters.espMannequins.espmintylightningmod.espMore Craftables.espmorevillageanimals.espOccupy Skyrim.espPeople Have Torches.espSabreFurBag.espTravellersOfSkyrim - Vanilla.espValsCraftingMeltdownAlpha.espAdventurersAndTravelers.espBarberShop.espCrowdedCities.espAuto Unequip Arrows.espDYNAVISION Dynamic Depth of Field.espIMAGINATOR - Visual Control for Skyrim.espNecessary Map Markers (all files included).espBlindfolds_of_Skyrim.espBucklers-Complete.espCloaks.esp1nivWICCloaks.esp1nivWICSkyCloaksPatch.espCraftable Artifacts.espCrazyVaclavsArrows.espDaedric Lord Armor.espDandelionArmor.espUNP Jewelry.espDragonBoneWeaponsComplete.espDwarvenMech.espDwemer Scouter.espNorthborn Fur Hoods.espGri_Scarf_and_Gugel.espInsanity's Sorrow.espIvory.espJSwordsDistributionBalancePlugin.espLFArmors.esplordamor.espLubaSkyWings.espMaleClericArmorHeavy.espMessiasDarkJester.espNightsWatchArmor.espObsidian.espOriental Weapon&Armor.espPirsing.espPrometheus_ConanOutfits.espR18Pn - Eisen Platte Armor.espRedguardKnight.espRingOFNighteye.espSamuraiArmor.espScampsIron.espScoutArmor.espShields_of_the_northern_kingdoms.espSilverDragonArmor.espSkyforgeWeapons.espSovngarde Steel Armor and Weapons.espsurvivor_armor.espTTHN-Northern Sky.espUltraVision.espuruk.espwarchiefarmor.espwarmagearmor.espWayoftheVoice2.espWinterscale Armor.espDeadlyDragons.espDeadlyDragonsSpells.espDeadlyDragonsArmory.espBeautiful Riften.espBeautiful Whiterun.espBreezehome Open Windows.espDawnstar_Fortified.esphobbithouse.espmoonpath_questdata.espN333-BetterWindhelm-V_1.0.espRealisticWhiterun.espSolitudeCapitalCity.espThe Asteria - Dwemer Airship.espWRenchanter_tilted.espAddChoices01.esparmored-horses.espBetterItemSorting.espBetterQuestObjectives.espBRrobecirclets.espDeadly Traps.espFasterArrows.espFasterArrows100.espNightingale Maskless.espOpenFaceHelmets.espposesivecorpses.espRichMerchants_Less.espSickly Diseases.espSkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators.espSpells Cast Light.espVariedGuards.espTheRiftenRangers.esptorches for RL (happy medium).espUnreadBooksGlow.espZarias_Piercings1.espPopulated Cities.espdD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Reduced.espApocalypse - The Spell Package.espElementalist.espImproved Dragon Shouts.espDeadlySpellImpacts.espDuel - Combat Realism.espN_43 Hair Pack.espUFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.espTravellersOfSkyrim - UFO Compatibility Patch.espzzz_Jenassa_MAKEOVER_by83Willow.espwisplicker.espmoveitLWT.espStopBumpingIntoMe.espHeight Adjusted Races with True Giants.espWATER.espGreenWaterFix_LesserBlurPatch.espBashed Patch, 0.espchainmail.espDragonHideRobeArmor.espEternalShineArmorAndWeapons.espMorlock.espgoats.espGhost Rider.espbrelyna1a.espFA Hide Armor.espVlindrelArmory v1.62.espSPODUM v1.4.espLunariana.espSpectralHordeSpell.esp EDIT: whats the "game cache" and how do you verify it? EDIT: couldnt "moveto player" Anton Virane to me (neither RefID 0001990A or BaseID 00013387 worked), so i progressed my queststages of "Recipe for Desaster" (DB08) via console so that Virane was questioned and killed. I can now proceed with the quest, but I STILL can't enter Understone Keep!!! Edited June 19, 2012 by mensch8maschine Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tinylewtgriffon Posted June 19, 2012 Author Share Posted June 19, 2012 I just ended up deleting everything and restarting. I've got less mods running so if it's one of them then we'll see I've got the EXACT same problem, need to talk to the gourmet, can't enter the keep. Also, I couldn't enter a part of the Labyrinthian, which is also Dwemer themed. I had assumed it may be dwemer texture or lighting related... my mods: Update.esmTravellersOfSkyrim.esmPopulated Cities NPCListMaster.esmWARZONES - Civil Unrest.esmJSwords.esmmoonpath.esmApachiiHair.esmSPODUM.esmBreezehomeLadderFix.espBrynjolf Dialogue Fix.espShrine of Azura LOD Fix.espTalosShrineFix.espHighResTexturePackFix.espIceBreaker's Improved Reverb.espImproved Combat Sounds v2.0.espRooster At Dawn v1.0.espskyradio.espSoS - The Dungeons.espSoS - The Wilds.espBetter Dynamic Snow.espNatural Skyrim Rain.espRealistic Lighting.espRealistic Lighting Patcher.espWeapons and Armor fixes.espWeapons and Armor fixes - Hacks.espStaticMeshImprovementMod.esp3DNPC.esp83Willows_101BUGS_V4_HighRes_HighSpawn.espAuto Unequip Helmet.espBirds.espBirdsofskyrim.espbloodierCombatv1.1.espCatsofskyrim.espChesko_WearableLantern.espConjuration & Summoning fixes.espCrimson Tide - Blood.espGS.espDaedricCrownCraftable.espDragonCrownCraftable.espDragonPlateCrownCraftable.espDogsofskyrim.espDragonSoulsToPerks.espEbonyCrownCraftable.espElvenCrownCraftable.espExpandedJewelryCrafting.espGlassCrownCraftable.espImmersive Patrols.espLanterns Of Skyrim - All In One.espLong lost smelters.espMannequins.espmintylightningmod.espMore Craftables.espmorevillageanimals.espOccupy Skyrim.espPeople Have Torches.espSabreFurBag.espTravellersOfSkyrim - Vanilla.espValsCraftingMeltdownAlpha.espAdventurersAndTravelers.espBarberShop.espCrowdedCities.espAuto Unequip Arrows.espDYNAVISION Dynamic Depth of Field.espIMAGINATOR - Visual Control for Skyrim.espNecessary Map Markers (all files included).espBlindfolds_of_Skyrim.espBucklers-Complete.espCloaks.esp1nivWICCloaks.esp1nivWICSkyCloaksPatch.espCraftable Artifacts.espCrazyVaclavsArrows.espDaedric Lord Armor.espDandelionArmor.espUNP Jewelry.espDragonBoneWeaponsComplete.espDwarvenMech.espDwemer Scouter.espNorthborn Fur Hoods.espGri_Scarf_and_Gugel.espInsanity's Sorrow.espIvory.espJSwordsDistributionBalancePlugin.espLFArmors.esplordamor.espLubaSkyWings.espMaleClericArmorHeavy.espMessiasDarkJester.espNightsWatchArmor.espObsidian.espOriental Weapon&Armor.espPirsing.espPrometheus_ConanOutfits.espR18Pn - Eisen Platte Armor.espRedguardKnight.espRingOFNighteye.espSamuraiArmor.espScampsIron.espScoutArmor.espShields_of_the_northern_kingdoms.espSilverDragonArmor.espSkyforgeWeapons.espSovngarde Steel Armor and Weapons.espsurvivor_armor.espTTHN-Northern Sky.espUltraVision.espuruk.espwarchiefarmor.espwarmagearmor.espWayoftheVoice2.espWinterscale Armor.espDeadlyDragons.espDeadlyDragonsSpells.espDeadlyDragonsArmory.espBeautiful Riften.espBeautiful Whiterun.espBreezehome Open Windows.espDawnstar_Fortified.esphobbithouse.espmoonpath_questdata.espN333-BetterWindhelm-V_1.0.espRealisticWhiterun.espSolitudeCapitalCity.espThe Asteria - Dwemer Airship.espWRenchanter_tilted.espAddChoices01.esparmored-horses.espBetterItemSorting.espBetterQuestObjectives.espBRrobecirclets.espDeadly Traps.espFasterArrows.espFasterArrows100.espNightingale Maskless.espOpenFaceHelmets.espposesivecorpses.espRichMerchants_Less.espSickly Diseases.espSkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators.espSpells Cast Light.espVariedGuards.espTheRiftenRangers.esptorches for RL (happy medium).espUnreadBooksGlow.espZarias_Piercings1.espPopulated Cities.espdD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Reduced.espApocalypse - The Spell Package.espElementalist.espImproved Dragon Shouts.espDeadlySpellImpacts.espDuel - Combat Realism.espN_43 Hair Pack.espUFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.espTravellersOfSkyrim - UFO Compatibility Patch.espzzz_Jenassa_MAKEOVER_by83Willow.espwisplicker.espmoveitLWT.espStopBumpingIntoMe.espHeight Adjusted Races with True Giants.espWATER.espGreenWaterFix_LesserBlurPatch.espBashed Patch, 0.espchainmail.espDragonHideRobeArmor.espEternalShineArmorAndWeapons.espMorlock.espgoats.espGhost Rider.espbrelyna1a.espFA Hide Armor.espVlindrelArmory v1.62.espSPODUM v1.4.espLunariana.espSpectralHordeSpell.esp EDIT: whats the "game cache" and how do you verify it? EDIT: couldnt "moveto player" Anton Virane to me (neither RefID 0001990A or BaseID 00013387 worked), so i progressed my queststages of "Recipe for Desaster" (DB08) via console so that Virane was questioned and killed. I can now proceed with the quest, but I STILL can't enter Understone Keep!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tinylewtgriffon Posted July 1, 2012 Author Share Posted July 1, 2012 So after restarting, the bug has indeed returned in a new spot, this time involving Hircines tribal totems. After examining the mod list above and turning mods we shared off, none of them was able to stop the game from crashing trying to enter a part of the dungeon with the totem, even though earlier I had been in there before the quest. something odd is going on.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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