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How rich is your character?


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What is the most Gold Septims your character ever carried?


Right now, my character is at 20K.


Cheating doesn't count.

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I think the most I ever had was about 20K, maybe more. I have a realism mod where your character needs to eat so sometimes he goes broke getting weapons/armor/food and weapons/armor for companions. I just started from the 1st save I ever made with him again and got to about level 13, I'll edit this post for the amount he has now and what level he really is.
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..um..counting what is sure to have fallen out of her pockets while fleeing critters bigger and meaner than her, Gersilla has amassed about 17k (@ 14th level) Actually took a screenie while shopping where total money on hand showed as 7777.



May I add in all the fines Gersilla had to pay for smacking rude guards ?

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About 100k or more. No cheating, unless finding expensive items from mods counts as cheating. I wouldn't say so as some of those items were used to fight me before I got them, such as Ayleid Meteoric Weaponry. And well, selling them to shopkeepers from mods that have higher gold limit is also not cheating to me, such as Akaviri Imports.
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My farthest character on the Xbox version has over 2 million. I have a full suit of ebony with the strongest sigil feather enchant on each piece. I go around and kill maraders jack all their daedric armor and enchanted stuff sell it rinse and repeat. Alchemy helps too. I don't really consider it cheating more like exploiting a glitch but I duplicate my ingredients alot. Not counting mony made through "cheated" alchemy I would still probably have 2 mil or very close. What can I say the Wolf King likes money and he likes killing the maraders especially the ones near Anvil. (My favorite city) I've heard the level cap is 50 in vanilla but Lucius is level 52 thanks to another "glitch" I found out how to exploit.
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