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How rich is your character?


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I also own at least 1 of every weapon and armour in the game+ extra enchanted versions. I spent quite a lot of time tracking things down, such as fine steel weapons. Also have every house. YAY!!

And I have come by more money. Now pushing a million (985000 or thereabouts)

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the most ive ever had was on my Thanatos character i had 90k give or take after getting mehrunes razor and making several trips to get all of the loot out of sundercliff watch (like every dude in there was decked out in daedric with enchanted weapons.........thank god for pack horses)
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What is the most Gold Septims your character ever carried?


Right now, my character is at 20K.


Cheating doesn't count.


Well lets see now......... I have played my character for over 225 hours now. I am getting money once a month from the Legion, money from Kvatch, money form Verona house and money from Hoarfrost Castle and some from other places that I own. So right now I have well over 2,000,000 in gold. And just to keep it down I invest gold in shops at 500 gold a pop.........

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ok how much money has my character had well judging that i mod Ob more than i play it, and the fact thAt i use a new savegame each time to test my mods, although i have had one character at one stage that i played with for a while and he had hmm about 365 septims not much? well like i said my joy come out of modding not realy playing the game. :closedeyes:
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with cheating i have 9999999999 gold (but i can't see all of it) :biggrin:

at the moment I'm using Oblivion for testing mods and 3d models :)


I saw the rules of the thread... so I'll have to add :


on the other character (no cheats,level 1) : about 700 gold :biggrin:

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