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Triple Louis Letrush!!


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In Whiterun stables at first i saw him ( Louis Letrush) he was alone but after doing some quests and came back to get my bounty he was doubled !

and now he is tripled!!! :blink:

what on earth is this bug ?!!! is he going to be cloned every time i go to whiterun ?!!! i think if some time passes i will see an army of him !!!!! :wallbash: :wacko:


picture :



Edited by Misakichun
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This is one of the Top Most On-going Bug that Nobody seem to fix, they just have a Mod where you Kill Letrush and the Clones, but Nobody wants to fix the Clone Bug.


I also made a Thread for a Mod Job so Letrush can be out of the way, even when the War Faction starts.


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@Misakichun, hi, a suggestion, if you've already completed a quest called 'Promises to Keep' i'd suggest you

use console to remove these Louis Letrush clones being spawned near the Whiterun stables.

These duplicates are known to cause issues with a couple quests that involve Whiterun at that location.


Make a permanent gamesave (not in the same vicinity as the clones), then travel to the stables and position yourself

where the clones are so you can see them all.

Open console, click on the first clone until you see a RefID appear onscreen,

if you see RefID 00019DCA appear this may be the 'real' Letrush so select another clone,

type 'disable' enter, type 'markfordelete' enter, click the next clone until a new RefID appears, repeat procedure for

all the clones EXCEPT any clone with RefID 00019DCA.

Exit console, leave the area, make another game save just to be safe.

When you travel back to that location you should not see any more clones unless the unfixed rogue scripts generate more.

fyi, there are possible savegame corruption issues if you make a savegame near the clones.


Not really a big spoiler; but, at some point you may encounter Letrush (the real one with RefID 00019DCA) in the wild

being stalked by a hired assassin.

Do not use the console procedure on this Letrush and let the scenario play out however you please.




Edited by xlcr
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  • 3 weeks later...
Thank you Xlcr for your information :) i'll do it :biggrin:
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@Misakichun, if you haven't already, you might want to first look for Louis Letrush at the Bee and Barb Inn in Riften and

get quest 'Promises to Keep', complete that quest, and then deal with the clones in Whiterun.

This quest is one of the few opportunities you'll get to screw over Maven Black-Briar which feels good lol. :turned:



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This have happen to me too, when i complete a certain quest,( if i explain more it will be spoiler) Louis Letrush appears in Whiterun Stables, and in one of my travels, i see one Louis Letrush being killed by a Hired Thug,(don´t ask why)then fast travel to whiterun stables and found 4 of the Louis Letrush.
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