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A mod that introduces persistency to the game?


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The way I tend to play Oblivion is a little like draining an area of its available loot, quests, experience, etc. After I am done with that, I usually have no reason to return to a place. It's one of the reasons I can't really bother continuing to play the game after I've visited most major areas.


Are there any mods out that that add more persistent/dynamic gameplay to the world? I tried to come up with examples, but none of them sound particularly good.

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I just finished making a tweak to my personal MyTweaks.esp that does something like what you're asking. The tweak consisted of a simple quest and script that changes how often cells respawn. I have a high level character who has nearly 6 million in gold ... the last thing he needs is more loot to drag back to the merchants. How often cells respawn can be set to any number (even less time than the default 72 hours if you wanted). Let me know if you'd be interested and I'll make a new esp with just that quest and script in it.
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It's not really what I'm looking for, sorry. I already modify the respawn timer with Francesco's.


It goes a little beyond simply wanting to have something to kill. I want something to manage. To grow, to build or repair. This can be taken in so many contexts, it's not even funny. I realize many mods that give you all sorts of properties, houses, estates that you can slowly grow and decorate. But once you complete those, that's basically it. They give you no specific reason to return after they are completed. So that's not really what I mean either.


But the idea shouldn't have to apply to buildings only, catch my drift? It's simply something.. dynamic in the game that keeps you busy.

Edited by yunage
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Yes I understand what you're after now. There is only one mod I can recall that had a bit of stuff you had to do after 'completing' the quest ... it was a manor and farms outside Chorrol but for the life of me the name escapes me at the moment. I think the on-going part was just keeping the bandits at bay. If I run across it or think of the name I'll edit this post.


I think it would be a huge undertaking to do something like that for all Cyrodiil, but how much could one person micromanage?


- Edit - Not positive but it may have been Hillsborough Estate, and I see that mod is under moderators review, so no joy there.

Edited by Striker879
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That looks pretty good actually! It seems pretty old though, how can it still be under review?


I guess it wouldn't have to be all of Cyrodill.. just some of it. Just so there is a place to return 'home' to, after some light adventuring.

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That link doesn't seem to work for me. Just takes me to the main forum portal for all Bethsoft games. But I did some googling and found a bit of info.


Edit: Thanks!

Edited by yunage
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But there wouldn't be anything that fits my description out there today, ready to download? I don't mind waiting.. I just might lose track of this in a couple of weeks. I was hoping to find something for the weekend.:P Edited by yunage
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If you want something to manage, try Basic Personal Hygiene... It is becoming quite a good mod, and while it is not combat based, it gives you a reason to look around for bodies of water or to "go home" regularly, to micromanage your hygiene.
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