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Help giving an NPC clothing.


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I am trying to create a patch to a mod I use that has one problem NPC, who decides to walk around naked all day, and even when given clothing, it disappears within a few game days. It seems like there is an issue with her vendor script too, but that is beyond fixing for me.


I have located her ID I believe, and have added clothing, and tried saving and also creating a difference patch, but my incredibly limted knowledge is hamstringing my progress.


First off, I learned a little of this sort of change with Companion Vilja (I successfully edited her hairstyle and skin textures with help from the VERY handy help-me walkthrough) however I don't have the know-how to go further.


I will explain my method step by step and if anyone can see what my issue is, feel free to correct me. (I was attempting a patch, not a hard edit, if need be I can do a hard edit but I was trying to NOT break the ESP ;p)


1) I open the CS, and double click the ESP I want to patch (I didn't set it as active.)


2) I located the NPC, opened her inventory, and made some modifications (adding several sets of clothing + shoes.)


3) On my first attempt, I only hit OK to save the inventory changes, then went to File-Save, and named my new ESP, loaded it up, no effect.


3.2) on my second attempt, I hit ok to save her inventory, then went File-Tools-Create Difference Patch. Here is where I got lost! I chose the same ESP as start and end masters, not knowing what else I should do. No luck there, but I imagine I screwed up royally so no surprises there.


Note: Opening both test fix ESP's I checked her ID, but it showed 0* for count, where in the original ESP it showed 1. I don't know the exact signifigance of that, I assumed it was part of the "patching", letting the new ESP find the number from the original ESP.

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Seems to have worked PERFECTLY. In fact even better than expected, it seems to have even fixed a script with a set of items it looks like she was probably meant to sell. (Before she only had some book and a necklace, now she has parchments and quills/ink, items used commonly by the mod in question.)


Thank you so much for your help, I thought I was doing things completely wrong, when it turns out I was only missing a tool! =p


Edit: Thanks again, with your help I seem to have finished my first "solo" modding project, even if it is only a minor patch. You have my kudos! (pun intended).

Edited by Xenavire
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All that documentation is helpful, but I am glad I didn't have to resort to trying those methods this time around. I would be afraid to permanently break part of the original ESP, or glitch up one of my saves completely.


Thanks for the link though, I will certainly keep it in mind with future issues/conflicts like this.

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When it's for personal use I generally edit the mod's original esp (I keep backups of course, plus I have the original download). The downside to this is if you make changes to a mod that afterwards has an update released. Most of my changes aren't very extensive, so I've learned to document what I've done in a text file. That makes it easier to redo my changes to the updated version. The only extensively modded original that I have is a mod that hasn't been updated in years.
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