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A little help with rigging would be appreciated!


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I finally finished my new body mesh that i have been working on for what feels like ages and now i find my self stuck, I have never rigged a body mesh before so i would really appreciate if some one could instruct me on how to do so. I have imported the skeleton.nif and the mesh to 3dsmax but i don't know what to do after that. Any help appreciated!
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1. Select New Mesh

2. Modifiers => Skin Wrap

3. Add => Select Old Mesh

4. Set Deformation Engine => Face Deformation

5. Toggle Weight All Vertices

6. Apply Modifier => Convert to Skin

7. Right Click Skin Wrap Modifier => Delete

8. Modifiers => BSDismemberSkin Modifier

9. Create Skin Partitions

10. Export using appropriate settings


=> Repeat for Foot and Hands, using vanilla foot and hand meshes for the Skin Wrap Modifiers. If feet and hands are still attached to your new body mesh, good luck.

=> 0 and 1 body versions MUST have identical Skin or the mesh will not work. This is most easily achieved by Copying the Skin branch of the mesh you've just skin wrapped and pasting it to the modifiers list of the alternate body version. Success is not guaranteed.

Edited by FavoredSoul
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Thank you SO MUCH FavoredSoul! Finally i can make some progress ;D


Edit* - Knee seems to bend at the wrong place(mine is located a bit further up), how do i go about this? do i adjust the model or can i modify the skeleton (sorry idk anything abt rigging) >_<'

Edited by Creamshake
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Manually editing Skin is very tedious work and requires experience.


I definitely recommend altering your mesh so the vertical proportions match the vanilla models. That would be much, much easier to accomplish.


Happy modding!

Edited by FavoredSoul
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