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Summon at target


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Hi !


I searched for a spell to summon a creature not at myself but near the enemy.


I think of sneaking in the darkness and spot the enemy.

Point at the ground near them and cast the summon spell.

This fires the projectile, it hits the ground or wall or enemy itself and the crature summons near this point.


I didn't find anything like this and i was not able to create such a spell.

I tried to change spell effect ZZOM (for zombies) from self to target, but this is not possible.

So i have no idea what to do.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Would probably require OBSE.


Make a marker and move it forward until it leaves the players LOS. Then, move it back a bit and place the zombie there.


It will require a little trigonometry, but when the marker has left your LOS then that just means it has gone behind a wall or the floor. That means you have gone as far as possible and you just have to move it back before placing the zombie.


NPCs will not be able to use this spell.

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An invisible Activator, or Marker, is the key here, as activators can cast spells through scripting, even though they're neither actors nor can they possess a spell book.


If you're rather after targeting an actor with a spell and then getting it surrounded by summons, you can create a spell, range "target", scripted effect, with following "spell"-type script snippet:

scn MyCustomTargetedSummonSpellScript

ref self
float xPos
float yPos
float zPos

Begin ScriptEffectStart
   set self to GetSelf ; will be the actor the spell is running on, the one affected, hit by the spell
   set xPos to self.getPos X ; get targets exact location
   set yPos to self.getPos Y
   set zPos to self.getPos Z

   MyCasterREF.moveto self ; get it into the same cell, not necessarily at the exact same location though
   MyCasterREF.setPos X xPos ; position it at the right place for summoning, the exact same location this time
   MyCasterREF.setPos Y yPos
   MyCasterREF.setPos Z zPos ; maybe use a higher location for this one, as else it is on the ground, and maybe then some summons will spawn weirdly off placed or inside ground, I dont know

   MyCasterREF.cast MyChosenSummonSpell MyCasterREF ; assuming summon spells are of range self this could be required

This will move your invisible activator, marker or whatever to the location of the actor you hit with your target spell and will summon your... summons there.

"MyCasterREF" is the "persistent reference" ID of your activator. "MyChosenSummonSpell" is the spell ID of the summon spell of your choice.


For a solution independent of hitting an actor, for example also working when hitting the ground without an actor even necessarily being close, with the spell refer to what WarRatsG posted above.

Or use different approaches to determine the spot the player is looking at and place the activator there before making it cast the spell.

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