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Everything posted by Th3uNKn0wN

  1. The mod Scrap Everything may help you a long way with the small planks, twigs and trees. Or other similar mods, search for "scrap" on the nexus. If you want pristine roads use the above in combination with this mod just for Sanctuary: Pre-Apocalyptic roads and sidewalks for Sanctuary I don't think there's a mod yet that let's you build roads, probably because it'd be horrific as the objects won't magically fix itself to the terrain heights.
  2. Helloo, This account was made over 6 years ago, young me thought numbers in names are awesome. Older me does not. Older me also donated and obtained the "supporter" title. Now I can find numerous mentions that name changes are not done. Too bad, would've liked to keep the stats and old mods to my name. But I don't want to enter the Fallout modding scene with this name. But my bigger issue is that if I'd close this account in order to "legally" create a new one I'd lose my supporter title. Is there a way of keeping this without donating again? Can't seem to find posts regarding this.
  3. There is a work around. -Open Console; -Type 'tfc' -Press T and wait And as you see the time flies by. You can wait for days now instead of 24 hours too. Because 1 hour seems to be around 3-6 hours. -When finished open console again and type 'tfc' Couldn't find a mod for this though
  4. This mod includes an esp where you gain an extra 200 health, armor and 300% health regen when transforming. Couldn't find one where the time for NPCs get slowed down, but I guess this results in the same purpose.
  5. I have this mod-problem. I installed a ton of them and now loading can take up to AGES XD At first I just loaded in a mere second but now it seems to take ages. (even though it's actually not that long) I also tried CTRL+ALT+DEL and start task manager, just to sometimes find out Skyrim seemed to be 'unresponsive' even though the helpful tips and the figure is useable and all. But also, whenever I started task manager, just a second later it seems to continue loading and there I am, < 1 second later
  6. I've generally set my timescale to 3, I haven't had problems whatsoever with it yet. But to be safe I also go a lot with 4 and 5. Just don't use 1 and 2. That will surely break your game and corrupt save files. If not immediately it will do so in time
  7. Oh, too bad. Kinda hoped it was vanilla. Still it was very funny to see that happen xD
  8. Alright, I mainly post here because google didn't provide me with other people who witnessed this. Near Markath there's a mine called The Left Hand Mine. There is a guard at the entrance of this mine, just a regular guard. However, this one seems to not like it when you approach. Keeps saying that I should clear out. But when I was just talking to the locals I heard him say this sentence again. But I was way to far, so I turned around and he was talking to, apparently, a chicken. And well, we all know that guards tend to attack people who don't belong there. This time, he attacked and killed the chicken. I was completely like; wtf. So I thought, what was happening there? Then I tried to get a goat near the guard and he did exactly the same thing! Now I don't know if it's a side effect from one of my many mods. So I tried finding people who also had this with google. Didn't get any usefull results. So now I am here. If you haven't witnessed it, and you think you would laugh as hard as me, go there, get an animal to spawn in front of this guard or whatever and watch. (Try to make the animal stay where it is and not wander off as the guard won't follow) And after you did that, reply here and tell me if the guard did the same. I thought it was pretty f***ing hilarious to see it happening out of nowhere xD TL;DR: Guard at entrance of Left Hand Mine near Martkath kills animals, including the sacred chickens. Tell me if this guard does the same on your saves.
  9. I highly recommend this mod since you don't have to do the beginning all over. Nor do you have to do the main quest. And just roleplay, if you are a roleplayer, a good one, Skyrim won't get that boring fast.
  10. I really don't see the problem here. Why would Bethesda have to create a patch that doesn't screw up the thousands of mods there are? Why not just let the modders fix it for the latest patch. It's just common sense.
  11. You do know that what you request requires a VERY good modder. Who most of them aren't bothered by this or busy with their own mods. It's immensily difficult to uphold to the ideas you gave. Somethings as the quest lines and such shouldt be a problem, but scripting and creating all that ghost-stuff, and angels and demons. Them showing up when you are a ghost. I doubt anyone is possible to do it. And if they do, I don't think they want to. But, if there's anyone out there willing to take the challenge, please do :) Is not a bad idea, just a bit over-the-top.
  12. Those error messages can just be ignored. I even disabled those messages in SkyrimEditor.ini in your Skyrim/ folder. Search for the part with [Messages] And change bShowErrorMessages=1 to bShowErrorMessages=0. ( im on my phone here, so im uncertain if that line is actually called bShowErrorMessages but it should be something similar if not the same.)
  13. What he said is a very good way to have the best textures possible. Skyrim HD 2k textures includes a load of improved textures: 'The Mod is 2 GB big and replaces 530 textures and normal maps' as stated by NebuLa1 Also he noted this in the description: (It's just to minimize post length) He also linked to a detailed version: link But if you read the spoiler you'll already notice it by far doesn't include as much as Skyrims official HD texture DLC
  14. This is all I could find. If you have experience with the Creation Kit it could be usefull.
  15. On youtube you can find quite an amount of comparison videos. When ingame you'll notice not much difference, but when you watch the video you'll see it has been much improved. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FW_YwjwcSug&feature=related But even now, its a fact that Skyrim HD 2k textures is higher detailed.
  16. Create a new static base object with the same models and textures. That should work anyway. Dont know of theres anything easier, right now im on my phone and cant access my computer. Hope that it'll work
  17. If anyone still doesn't know, PM me. I've figured it out with the help of ruru111
  18. What lighting preset do you have now? You could just turn that off (everything 0) and do ALL lighting custom in your house. But that might get rather frustrating.
  19. Alternative Start V2.0 released. Now working on the new quest line
    1. scrivener07


      Nice work so far :)
  20. Alternative Start V2.0 released. Now working on the new quest line
  21. Alternative Start V2.0 released. Now working on the new quest line
  22. You serious? I made a village build on top off cliffs because the ground wasn't flat enough. I have houses in the dirt cliffs and they seem to disappear at times. If that's the problem I wasted a few hours of modding that stupid village :( Is there any kind of solution for this?
  23. It's very strange. I have the same problem. I created a village and all the cliffs just disappear when I first travel, but when I go into an house and back its all fine again. How can I fix this problem?
  24. Modding Skyrim! Alternative Start almost ready.
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