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ESm troubles with moonpat

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Hi everyone


I just did an update of the mod , did the same as usual,


made an esm

made an esp with edited versions of all the npcs and activators..


but now somehow none of the NPCs will engage their dialogue or trigger, neither do the quests that always should start.


its fixeable by making a new save with the updated mod installed, and then loading that.. that activates everything and all the npcs respond normally..


For the life of me i don't know why this happens now. it never happened before, it would just trigger from a clean save, no need for reloading or anything..

Anybody got a clue?

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I had similar quest and script issues after updating a mod of mine. It drove me nuts for a few days, untill i tried loading an older save, one that had never seen the mod. Worked perfectly again.


One of the users who also reported the problem noted that uninstalling the old, saving, then installing the new worked for him. However, for this to work for the author, you will need to uninstall the associated scripts also. If a user installed it with a manager, the scripts would automatically uninstall after deactivating the mod.

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