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Rowley Eardwulf


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Hey yall i'm completely stumped with Rowley Eardwulf. I have the vile lair official plugin installed but i can only get 2 options out of rowley when speaing to him at night. those options are persuade and train up sneak. i can't buy any of the vile lair upgrades from him because there is no option or button for bartering with him or buying stuff. do i need to be a member of the dark brotherhood? what gives why can't i buy anything from him or buy the deepscorne hollow upgrades from him. any help with fixing or remedying this would be most appreciated. Edited by Phantom987
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From the UESP Wiki page for Deepscorn Hollow (quest).




Rowley Eardwulf may not have the Deepscorn upgrade items for sale due to a quest bug (see the talk page for details.) The quest checks for the player's arrival at the Deepscorn Hollow island to enable the upgrade items, but the distance check is too small, so it is possible for the player to enter Deepscorn Hollow without triggering this quest stage, at which point the quest will advance again when the player picks up the journal and the stage that gives Rowley the items will never reoccur. To avoid this, wander around the island on first arrival until the quest update appears. If you walk straight to the location of the Nirnroot on the south side of the well, you'll receive the quest update. Fast traveling again to the island may work as well. If you're on the PC and you've hit this bug, enter the following into the console: setstage DLCDeepscorn 20 however if you are on a console platform you will have to uninstall/reinstall the plug-in or load a previous save and do the quest again, making sure that the arrival popup appears. Note that if you have the bug, Rowley will offer to barter items, but will not have any upgrades in his inventory. If Rowley is simply not offering to barter, you do not necessarily have this bug. As with many NPCs, he only offers services during certain hours of the day (see Rowley's page for details).


Make sure when you go near Deepscorn Hollow you trigger the "You've found" message. Follow your map marker until you find the exact spot.

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been doing that but no you've found coming up. it's strange the world map lets me quick travel there. i get the quest update through quick travel but no you've found such and such a place.i've walked around picked up 3 ninroot and no you've found message. maybe i should just try and walk there and see if the you've found comes up rather then quick travel.



From the UESP Wiki page for Deepscorn Hollow (quest).




Rowley Eardwulf may not have the Deepscorn upgrade items for sale due to a quest bug (see the talk page for details.) The quest checks for the player's arrival at the Deepscorn Hollow island to enable the upgrade items, but the distance check is too small, so it is possible for the player to enter Deepscorn Hollow without triggering this quest stage, at which point the quest will advance again when the player picks up the journal and the stage that gives Rowley the items will never reoccur. To avoid this, wander around the island on first arrival until the quest update appears. If you walk straight to the location of the Nirnroot on the south side of the well, you'll receive the quest update. Fast traveling again to the island may work as well. If you're on the PC and you've hit this bug, enter the following into the console: setstage DLCDeepscorn 20 however if you are on a console platform you will have to uninstall/reinstall the plug-in or load a previous save and do the quest again, making sure that the arrival popup appears. Note that if you have the bug, Rowley will offer to barter items, but will not have any upgrades in his inventory. If Rowley is simply not offering to barter, you do not necessarily have this bug. As with many NPCs, he only offers services during certain hours of the day (see Rowley's page for details).


Make sure when you go near Deepscorn Hollow you trigger the "You've found" message. Follow your map marker until you find the exact spot.

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If the map marker for Deepscorn shows on your map when you're not close to it (example when you are in Leyawiin) then you've discovered the spot (it will also be a darker colour in the vanilla game map interface). If that's the case (meaning that you have in fact discovered Deepscorn) then you may need to try the console command suggested to advance the quest. Before you do that though use the following console command: getstage DLCDeepscorn and see if it returns 10.


Looking at the quest stage messages for Deepscorn you should see "I've arrived at Deepscorn Hollow. I should make my way inside this hidden lair." in your quest log if you've discovered it. Next you need to go inside and find a journal. After you have read the journal (open it like any other book and then close it is sufficient) you should get a further update saying "After reading the journal, I've learned that I can acquire everything I need to restore this place to its original state from Rowley Eardwulf at the Wawnet Inn just outside the Imperial City." Only after that quest update will Rowley offer the upgrades.

Edited by Striker879
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I've gotten both of those quest updates, as i said once i goto the inn the only 2 things that Rowley offers are persuade him and training up the sneak skill. he doesn't offer any upgrades and there is no way to barter or buy anything off of him. I'm also talking to him at night which is when he is supposed to offer his wares. generally anywhere after midnight. Hence why i don't understand why i can't barter with him or buy anything from him. I feel like he's bugged or something. or maybe i just need to be a member of the dark brotherhood or something.


If the map marker for Deepscorn shows on your map when you're not close to it (example when you are in Leyawiin) then you've discovered the spot (it will also be a darker colour in the vanilla game map interface). If that's the case (meaning that you have in fact discovered Deepscorn) then you may need to try the console command suggested to advance the quest. Before you do that though use the following console command: getstage DLCDeepscorn and see if it returns 10.


Looking at the quest stage messages for Deepscorn you should see "I've arrived at Deepscorn Hollow. I should make my way inside this hidden lair." in your quest log if you've discovered it. Next you need to go inside and find a journal. After you have read the journal (open it like any other book and then close it is sufficient) you should get a further update saying "After reading the journal, I've learned that I can acquire everything I need to restore this place to its original state from Rowley Eardwulf at the Wawnet Inn just outside the Imperial City." Only after that quest update will Rowley offer the upgrades.

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Have you sold a bunch of stuff to Rowley? Again from the UESP Wiki:

If you sell him too many items, the Deepscorn Hollow upgrades may not be listed in his inventory. Go upstairs and sleep for 24 hrs to give him a chance to clear all that inventory, which will fix the problem.


If that's not the case you may need to go somewhere other than Wawnet Inn or Deepscorn and make a save. Exit the game and completely uninstall Deepscorn (deactivating may be enough ... not certain on that). Make another save without overwriting your first save ... this is your 'clean save' (as a side note you shouldn't use quicksave, even if you weren't making a clean save ... it's a known corrupter of save files). Exit again and re-install Deepscorn (or just reactivate if that's the route you chose). Load your clean save and go back to Deepscorn. Make sure you get the first journal update before you go inside.


- Edit - I didn't see any mention of needing to belong to the Dark Brotherhood to play the mod.

Edited by Striker879
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it may be something just as simple as a compatibility issue with this mortal crag mod. i've had nothing but problems with the thing. npcs coming up through the floor or getting stuck inside stairs. am trying it with the normal dlc of frostcrag and not the frostcrag reborn ect to see if thats the case. at any rate hopefully i get somewhere with being able to buy stuff from rowley. otherwise i'm sol on vile lair


Have you sold a bunch of stuff to Rowley? Again from the UESP Wiki:

If you sell him too many items, the Deepscorn Hollow upgrades may not be listed in his inventory. Go upstairs and sleep for 24 hrs to give him a chance to clear all that inventory, which will fix the problem.


If that's not the case you may need to go somewhere other than Wawnet Inn or Deepscorn and make a save. Exit the game and completely uninstall Deepscorn (deactivating may be enough ... not certain on that). Make another save without overwriting your first save ... this is your 'clean save' (as a side note you shouldn't use quicksave, even if you weren't making a clean save ... it's a known corrupter of save files). Exit again and re-install Deepscorn (or just reactivate if that's the route you chose). Load your clean save and go back to Deepscorn. Make sure you get the first journal update before you go inside.


- Edit - I didn't see any mention of needing to belong to the Dark Brotherhood to play the mod.

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I've been following the Mortal Crag mod ... too many issues for this guy (for one it wasn't properly de-isolated).
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this is the comment i just posted on the mortal crag comments section:


are you sure this mod is 100 percent compatible? have you done any kind of a playthrough from character creation till end of quest line? as i staed for me this mod freezes up the main quest once you create a character. because as i stated once the emporer comes in and you go through his dialogue captain renault goes to hit the button to open the wall and nothing happens. everyone just stands there and the wall does not open up. secondly this mod is causing issues with the vile lair because i am unable to barter, buy or purchase anything from Rowley Eardwulf. I've only got 2 options when it comes to talking to this npc. a persuade button and a training button which is for training up the sneak skill otherwise i can't do a thing with him to buy the vial lair upgrades. other thing that is going on is this mod causes npcs to instead of walking up stairs they will come up through the floor or get stuck inside the game environment. example would be getting stuck inside a set of stairs. Understand i'm not trying to cause any sort of a problem. i am just relating what i am experiencing for myself after downloading installing and trying to use this mod.


hopefully i won't cause any kind of an upset or anything with my comment but i felt i had to say something


I've been following the Mortal Crag mod ... too many issues for this guy (for one it wasn't properly de-isolated).

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I'm no moderator but I don't see anything in your post that is outside of the rules myself. You point out some of the problems you've come across.


That said you should also realize that Mortal Crag may not be at the root of all your problems. Mods can interact in unexpected ways. Some of that is within the mod author's control (if they are experienced enough to find and correct dirty edits for example). Some of it is pretty hard for them to find ... not all mod authors have all the popular mods installed, not to mention the huge number of more unknown mods. Hard to know everything that can go wrong with all the possible mod conflicts out there.


For mods that are more than a simple armor or clothing addition to the game with no great quest attached I tend to follow along with the mod comments for quite a while before I install. Gives me a feel for the type of problems other's are having, and more importantly gives me a feel for the experience level of the mod author, while they are or aren't trying to find the root cause of the problems and suggest or release fixes. A good many mods I just follow after making my judgement so I have a bit of a head start when someone posts a problem on here.

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