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Rowley Eardwulf


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I figured out an easy simple solution. uninstall mortal crag. start a new game. goto deepscorn get the quest updates go see rowley buy all the deepscorn upgrades and poof can reinstall mortal crag. granted i'm using a money cheat mod but at least i can buy the vile lair upgrades from rowley then when i've bought all of the upgrades i'm free to save the game and install mortal crag.


I'm no moderator but I don't see anything in your post that is outside of the rules myself. You point out some of the problems you've come across.


That said you should also realize that Mortal Crag may not be at the root of all your problems. Mods can interact in unexpected ways. Some of that is within the mod author's control (if they are experienced enough to find and correct dirty edits for example). Some of it is pretty hard for them to find ... not all mod authors have all the popular mods installed, not to mention the huge number of more unknown mods. Hard to know everything that can go wrong with all the possible mod conflicts out there.


For mods that are more than a simple armor or clothing addition to the game with no great quest attached I tend to follow along with the mod comments for quite a while before I install. Gives me a feel for the type of problems other's are having, and more importantly gives me a feel for the experience level of the mod author, while they are or aren't trying to find the root cause of the problems and suggest or release fixes. A good many mods I just follow after making my judgement so I have a bit of a head start when someone posts a problem on here.

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Good workaround. In the future if you find yourself in a similar situation you don't need a money cheat mod ... just open the console and use 'player.additem f <how much gold you need>' without the quote marks (so player.additem f 1000 would make you one thousand gold richer).
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