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[LE] Need help with Lakeview Manor work benches

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Thank you everyone for taking the time to look at this post. I am having a lot of trouble figuring out how to implement my new furniture into the existing BYOH system. I am aware that each workbench is actually an individual one(workbenchroom01A, workbench01B etc) And that a form list as well as keywords control what can be created at each bench. The benches and misc items(that somehow turn into the real furniture) have scripts but I haven't found any information as to how the misc items are recognised as the furniture in the house... I tried making my own misc item with its own recipe and added my new keyword to the workbench and haven't tested it yet because I was hoping someone on here could help me find a work around. Perhaps a script that I could target furniture with in the render window? Or even better maybe someone out there already knows exactly how the BYOH system works and could help me that way too. ( I posted this on reddit too but am hoping to reach as many people as possible and to gain as much info as possible :) )


Thanks for taking the time to read this have a good day.

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I have not looked at it in a while. However, I would approach it in the following manner:


Place whatever item(s) in the render window that are part of your 'furniture set'. Set these items to start disabled. Place an xMarker and link each of the previous items to this xMarker. Set the xMarker as the enable state parent for each item. Depending upon how you wish to handle the switch set the xMarker to disabled or enabled. If the xMarker will be enabled and the placed items disabled, the items need to be flagged as opposite state of the parent (i.e the xMarker). Otherwise keep everything in the same state.


Create a recipe for an item to be created at one of the workbenches. Condition the recipe for it to appear when the xMarker is in whichever state is necessary for the placed items to be disabled (should be whatever state you set the xMarker in initially).


A script which listens for the item to be added to the player inventory will enable/disable the xMarker which in turn will enable all the placed items and finally removes the crafted item from the player's inventory. This script can be on the object itself running the OnContainerChanged event. It could be on a player alias on a quest running the OnItemAdded event with an inventory event filter in place.



Honestly, the only real reason to consider using the opposite state of the enable parent is if you are doing something where you need to both disable and enable objects with the same xMarker. For a scenario where you are only enabling certain objects, the xMarker and all objects linked can be in the same state rather than opposite.

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