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D3d9.dll CTD upon save loading (skyrim)


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Hi, so I've been trying to download an ENB (at the time, ENB 0.319). Every time I try to load up my game save (or even a new save with no mods) my Skyrim crashes to desktop. I have figured out that d3d9.dll is the cause of this, as every time I remove it the game doesn't crash. I've tried downloading the directx 9, as suggested by user kilateone… who tried to help, but wasn't able to do so. I've adjusted enblocal and skyrimprefs inis to his suggestion as well, but that didn't work. At this point, I'm at a loss. I would like to try out his Qire ENB but can't download any of them because the ENB Binary has been giving me this issue. Anyways, I'm hopeful someone here can help me. If you need a list of mods/load order PM me, but I'm not going to post them here.



EDIT: sorry for all the bold letters, this message box controls wouldn't let me change it :/

Edited by SonicKirito
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