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CTD around Riften


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@crazyegg123, are you running 32-bit x86 windows OS? Here is a known fix for Skyrim CTD's on 32-bit systems.

I cannot vouch for this fix because i'm running 64-bit, but here you are:


1. Press Start, 2. Type CMD, 3. Start CMD as Administrator with Right Mouse Click, 4. Now Just Type in CMD application window:

bcdedit /set increaseuserva 2500

5. Then Just Press Enter, 6. Restart your PC.


BCDEdit /set - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/hardware/ff542202%28v=vs.85%29.aspx

The BCDEdit /set command sets a boot entry option value in the Windows boot configuration data store (BCD).

Use the BCDEdit /set command to configure specific boot entry elements, such as kernel debugger settings,

data execution protection (DEP) and processor address extension (PAE) options, and to load alternate hardware abstraction layer (HAL) and kernel files.

You can use these boot entry options when you are testing and debugging your driver for Windows Vista, Windows 7, and later versions of Windows.


increaseuserva Megabytes

Specifies the amount of memory, in megabytes, for user-mode virtual address space.

This variable can have any value between 2048 (2 GB) and 3072 (3 GB) megabytes in decimal notation.

Windows uses the remaining address space (4 GB minus the specified amount) as its kernel-mode address space.


By the way, there are multiple comments from users of mod 'Beautiful Riften' saying they get CTD's after installing it..

Beautiful Riften by MorninJerky - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=15786

Also, there is evidence this mod alters/deletes vanilla game records (like entries in skyrim.esm) causing CTD's and incompatibilites using other mods.

Info on deleted records (UDRs): http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1356324-important-concerns-regarding-deleted-references/


Personally, I think the Bethesda devs intentionally thematically designed Riften to look depressing and ghetto due to the

sad/corrupt dramatic nature of a majority of the quests associated with it; so, i didn't bother prettying it up with mods lol.

Edited by xlcr
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@crazyegg123, i am not participating in patch version 1.6 beta testing and have not looked into what Bethesda devs have

prioritized to fix/add to Skyrim with this patch go around; so,

i really have no idea if patch 1.6 will magically fix your issues, anything is possible i guess lol.


Actually I locked down my game patch to version a long time ago (firewalled Steam) and have experienced zero problems

other than the usual known quest script bugs.

May upgrade to this new patch version 1.6 if it is proven to fix more problems than it causes lol.


Suspect your game issues seem to have mostly been or are caused by the 'Beautiful Riften' mod if the comments from users

about CTD's and game corruption are to be believed.

My advice for what its worth is to get rid of this mod and try to return your game back to normal if you can.

In the future you may want to consider backing up your game files and include a few strategic gamesaves so you always have a way

to recover from making changes.

Edited by xlcr
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Uninstalled both Beautiful Riften & Whiterun, already tried the solution above but still crash. Well thank you for your help, i guess i have to play with out go to there. :smile: Edited by crazyegg123
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I had a problem in my last game with the area west of Riften and some north and south of Golden Glow. I run no environment mods, just a few player houses/companions/msc things like crafting arrows and real food. Some companion tweaks. I was running Populated cities and UsefulPeople as well as travellers. I got into GoldenGlow for the quest by deleting the last 3 and then I got in.


The game before I could not get to Skyhaven, it turned out to be a bad forsworn armour mesh in a mod. Skyrim is very buggy with any mods IMHO and there is no ryme nor reason sometimes AFAIK.


I also abandoned a game because I had corrupted saves.

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