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[WIP] Dagi Khajiit Race


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Oh my goodness! This is fantastic stuff.

It kind of reminds me of people in Cats



I loved the musical as a kid, so I'd say there's subconscious influence at play here, and a few slightly more direct references. :)


Oh and heads up! I'm making some more tint masks - what kind of facial patterns would you like to see in this? Pictures would be extra good.


I also found the reason for the neck seam. New version might be pushed into the weekend since I have to recreate some normal maps from scratch. The Khajiit body norma map is baked with different RGB channel settings than the vanilla head textures and I've sculpted a preliminary new normal for the female head with good results, but it does some strange things under some light conditions since the light reflection angle basically changes. This'll require some extra work.


@Budz - I'll look into this solution. I'm considering lumping the headmesh together with the ears and cramming them into the same UV, but that'll pose a few problems since the TRI files also need to be fitted to the new UV size. I think I also did something screwy while morphing the new female head since the eyebrows seem to have a patch missing now - might redo the morphing altogether since it wasn't a big project.

Edited by nuska
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Seam's gone under most natural lighting conditions, but shows up in some interior lights. Eyebrows have been fixed, I tried making edits to the body normal to blend the seam edges but I think I'm looking further into Caliente's seam blender next. I just didn't seem to get it to work with custom race textures.


@Budz - I know! I had the Tabaxi installed and made a fairly popular texture mod to it to remove the patches of bare skin. It was the closest thing I found to Morrowind's Khajiit Diversity. I always wanted to make a full racemod like this for Oblivion but didn't really learn the ropes until now.


I've been aching for a full-fledged cat race mod like this for the longest time so it's a very cathartic experience making this. :) And I'm able to fully retain creative vision over every aspect of it - I'm pretty sure I'll be making some cool unique hairstyles to go with these as well.

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Also this is still undergoing semi-closed testing so if you want to help me develop this race and provide feedback, and get to play around with kitties, don't hesitate to shoot me a PM. :)
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It's on my to-do list, though not my absolute first priority. Currently the race is set up to use any hairstyle set to HumansAndVampires and will probably remain that way throughout since most people have their own hair mods in place anyway, and I'll probably release without hairstyles in place, but I definitely plan to do some. At least a few. I'm taking the project in increments since I work a fulltime job creating game graphics.
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One thing I would say is that rather than trying to get the model absolutely to the dot perfect, why not release a version of this now and update it over time? The only half-khajiit race we have to play are the Ohmes-raht and they're based off wood elf models. :[ Me no like.
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One thing I would say is that rather than trying to get the model absolutely to the dot perfect, why not release a version of this now and update it over time? The only half-khajiit race we have to play are the Ohmes-raht and they're based off wood elf models. :[ Me no like.


I want the basework of the mod to be good enough that it looks like it could pass for something that shipped with the game. Additional stuff like hairstyles and possibly clothing for the race will be later stuff. :)

It'll inevitably be incomplete when I release it, but IMO the least I can do is make sure the foundation assets are in great shape - I want to be able to fully stand behind my work when I let this out to the masses. Even still, we're talking an extra couple weeks of polish at most and this'll be in beta release shape. I work in very fast iterations and make huge progress leaps overnight.


Franz, the markings are somewhat different but I'll probably take a moment to balance them out. I'm trying to decide between making the males and females look distinguishable and making them unified. :)

Edited by nuska
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