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Basic Minutemen Flaregun and Patrol Buffs


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Essentially a barebones version of We Are the Minutemen or Minutemen Overhaul 2.0. While I do like these two mods, they just change too much stuff from the vanilla game for my liking, and I know WATM currently contains that one quest-breaking bug.


Would like these features:

  • Increased number of minutemen patrols in settlements and the game world
  • Increased flaregun range (from 3 map tiles to anything higher)
  • Decreased flaregun cooldown time (from 24 ingame hours to anything shorter)
  • Level scaling flaregun minutemen (or even something like a higher minimum level, say level 5 or 10 compared to the current level 1)
  • Always summon the maximum amount of flaregun minutemen npcs or determine how many npcs are summoned (currently the game determines between 3-6 minutemen, with a chance of a dog)


I don't mind about equipment or clothing/armor, currently using Minutemen NCR Overhaul for that.


Been trying to look through the files of these two mods to see if I could do it myself, but I'm a complete novice when it comes to F04Edit and modding and I have no idea what I'm looking for each time. I'm hoping its just some simple variable changes, but most likely its not that easy.



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You should check out NPCs Travel (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/16987) and Fallout Commander (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/14946) if you haven't already. NPCs Travel has a holotape that allows you to customize which factions travel around and in how many groups. Fallout Commander allows you to choose a faction (you can freely change it) and depending on how many settlements you have allows you to call various level faction members. FCOM is actually really cool, and can be used in conjunction with the flaregun.


Though I have yet to use it, War of the Commonwealth (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12395) also allows you to increase the exterior spawns of NPCs, with the ability to change various settings for each faction/npc (i think, its what the description says anyway). Though you might want to check out a less intensive spawn mod, if you system can't handle it. Anyway hope this helps.

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