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KOTOR 3 to be an MMO

jojo man

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I mean pay a monthly subscription.

I know what you mean. I play games to enjoy myself, not to be on a schedule. That's probably the single biggest reason that I dislike MMOs.

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Sorry, but I think you guys got it confused. This MMO isn't KoTOR. Heck, this new MMO is only related to KoTOR by only when it takes place, which is Old Republic. The working title is "Star Wars: The Old Republic". I don't see "Knights of" in there. And they didn't trademark anything other then the following for this mmo: Star Wars: The Old Republic, Star Wars: Saga and Star Wars: Legends.


The engine is also under the HeroEngine. If I am correct, KoTOR didn't use HeroEngine.


Too Long; Didn't Read Version: My post = http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/genmessage....;topic=44365652


Pretty much.

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I mean pay a monthly subscription.

I know what you mean. I play games to enjoy myself, not to be on a schedule. That's probably the single biggest reason that I dislike MMOs.

I agree jojo man, I tried WoW & it ended up feeling like I was paying to work (not "play") in a fantasy enviroment..

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i say this is just gonna crash and burn. Sci-Fi do not make good MMO as far as i've seen.


i disagree there some games like Taba Rasha is sc-fi and its a great game EVE ONLINe is also Sc-fi


Stargate Worlds is sc-fi


basiclly just wait and be surprised


Carth Onasi

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Sorry, but I think you guys got it confused. This MMO isn't KoTOR. Heck, this new MMO is only related to KoTOR by only when it takes place, which is Old Republic. The working title is "Star Wars: The Old Republic". I don't see "Knights of" in there. And they didn't trademark anything other then the following for this mmo: Star Wars: The Old Republic, Star Wars: Saga and Star Wars: Legends.


The engine is also under the HeroEngine. If I am correct, KoTOR didn't use HeroEngine.


Too Long; Didn't Read Version: My post = http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/genmessage....;topic=44365652


Pretty much.


Still not very good news.


I see the point that the MMO will only take place in that specific era, however, if it's developed at the expense of a proper sequel to the Sith Lords, I don't see this calming anyone down. All it really means is that Kotor 3 will continue to go undeveloped while LucasArts focuses on an alternate title with a congruent setting-- made in collaboration with Bioware no less, a group that seemingly wanted nothing more to do with LucasArts' KOTOR series. Right, "this isn't a KOTOR" you're going to repeat. But it's another Bioware developed SW game taking place in the Old Republic. Pretty darn close, wouldn't you say? These two at last come together only instead of releasing the game fans want and expect, it's something else entirely. It's like if the Beatles had reunited to make rap renditions of their classics.


Sadly, it looks like KOTOR gets the back burner again. Sure, the MMO might be cool, I'm not discounting that at all. However, the game we want regresses right back to the aggravating stages of idle speculation and wondering if or when it will actually happen.


Where's the silver lining?

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  • 2 months later...

Finally, some new info on this thing courtesy of IGN.







Ok, I'll admit it sounds like Bioware's trying to make some good things happen by focusing on a story driven experience. So far the game reminds me slightly of Guild Wars through features like AI companions, which I'll take over real people almost any day for an important mission. Great feature. Even money says it'll help attract people who (gasp) enjoy solo play in MMOs. Can't wait to see how they address combat, but in all honesty, I doubt they'll innovate much in that area.


However, one thing I take issue with is being "emotionally anchored" to a construct companion I have to pay monthly to care about. Sounds like some odd form of prostitution, ha. Of course it isn't as if I'll play the damned thing.


Lastly, I could have done without the crack about this MMO having enough content to fill KOTORs 3-9. Bound to be taken the wrong way. Try not to prod the fans you pissed off, Bioware & Lucasarts. The Old Republic may elicit praise on its own merits, but it is NOT the game a number of us wanted.

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