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KOTOR 3 to be an MMO

jojo man

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I was hoping for a new Star Wars game base off of KotOR, but this? give me a break :verymad:

I like paying a one time fee for games, NOT a monthly fee. :wallbash:

I got no problems with some MMO type games like GW (no fees)

But who knows maybe it be a great game, only time will tell :whistling:

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Correct me if I'm wrong but this doesn't confirm that they are precluding the idea of further KOTOR games. Just because they are basing their MMORPG in the time of the old Republic doesn't mean they can't continue the actual KOTOR series does it?


In any case, they'd better not *censored* it up as they did with Star Wars Galaxies else it'll be another huge waste of money and disappointment to many. Hopefully they've learned from their mistakes.



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Michlo, that's the question now. We already know that the KOTOR 3 idea was abandoned to create this MMO so it doesn't reflect well on the answer.


A key quote from that video:

There are a lot of reasons why we decided not to do KOTOR 3 and why we decided to do this as an MMO instead.

From Tom Nichols. Doesn't sound too great, I know.


But in truth, it's possible that a single-player KOTOR might see release eventually since TOR uses a setting some 300 years after its events. So the story of Revan or the Exile won't see completion therein. Room enough to save our desired game for later development. No one's saying it won't happen ever, but it will not happen probably for a year or so. And that's if you're a glass half full kind of guy.


As for me (the pessimist), I'm pretty much done with hoping and waiting for a game that no one seems to want to do. There are better titles out there worth the attention.

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That... really bites.


Both KOTOR games were quite enjoyable, but it looks like I'll be taking a pass on this one. Probably for the better, too, because MMOs rarely have a story worth telling... and it's a pain in the posterior to build your own story and RP it when there are n00bs all around you that couldn't care less about immersion. My online entertainment has been, and probably always will be, provided by non-RPG games for the sake of my sanity and enjoyment. I take roleplaying and story far too seriously to not be frustrated senseless by most of the MMOs I've seen over the years. I get annoyed just watching people play them.



Did you ever play Everquest?


Was lots of roleplayers in that game when I used to play.


Quite amusing at times.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am acctualy a fan of W.o.W and its pretasecer Warcraft 2. They way i looked at it was that W.o.W was more of a story after the story... In Warcraft 2 (If you played it) There was a time when you played as the "Lich King" or soon to be anyways... You made an assault on Silver Moon, A Blood elf city. In W.o.W you deal with the after math of the attack, granted the "scurge" or undead or a part of the hord... Although in Warcraft 2, the where technicaly Allience...


Point being, this new "KOTOR 3" may just be the story after the story... There are up ands downs to this new instalment... As in any. One of the main reasons i picked up W.o.W was for the story line... Yes there is story line in W.o.W you just have to look in the right places...


I vote dont knock it tell you try it... I for one will probley go and get it.

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I would not buy The Old Republic Massively Multi-Player Role Playing Game -it is Star Wars: The Old Republic, not Kot0R 3-, nor would I buy a The Elder Scrolls MMORPG, for I loath MMOs and MMORPGs on principle – I paid $50 for this software and now you want me to pay you every month for the privilege of using it?! Why cannot you simply give me the original game for free and charge fees, or, better yet, why cannot I buy the original game and have free multi-player support, like Neverwinter Nights I and II support, in addition to a single-player element? I belonged to several guilds in Neverwinter Nights and it was fun to play with other people every once and a while, however, you had the option of using customized content and modules in that game’s on-line elements, something most MMOs and MMORPGs lack. :wallbash:
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